So, it began with three

Start from the beginning

The girl gulped as they cornered her but, the tall Male from before dragged them back "No, no, no. Why must you two revert to that form whenever you see a Woman. It was bad enough when you did it to the Robotic Nurse.." The two furrowed their brows, pointing to each other

"Trois is far more perverted than I'll ever be!"

"Oh, heavens no. Honey is the real pervert!"

The girl squinted her eyes at them "You guys seem familiar.." The three stopped and then made poses of their own as the tallest spoke up "Well, we have been fairly well known around Nanba. Building Three, known for having the most beautiful and talented"

Her eyes went wide "..Nanba? Like, the Jail thing?" The green haired one, 'Trois', nodded "Yes, one of the best ones there is" The girl let out a small chuckle "Oh, I see"

She snapped her fingers with a smile "You guys are Cosplayers!"

The three blinked owlishly at her while she decided to 'play along' with their game. She pushed past them and stared at her T.V. "Where...How did y'all get here?" The tallest, who she called a Grell wannabe, stepped forward "We came from your Television. We don't know how or what happened for us to be here" The girl's shoulders shook as a smile came to her face 'These guys know how to act. I need to take notes'

She hummed "Oh, ok...I do know you guys. I think your name was Kiji or something like that" She looked to the two behind the confused Male "And you guys are Honey and Trois"

'Trois' cupped his chin "Oh, the Princess knows us" 'Honey' crossed his arms "Are we that popular?" They both gave her a closed eyed smile while she stepped closer to 'Kiji' to hide, the two soon stopping in confusion. Was she scared of them? 'Kiji' took notice and backed away as well, irritated "Don't use me as your shield"

The girl sweatdropped "Aren't you their 'Supervisor' or something? Watch over them" 'Kiji' growled "Are you telling me how to do my job!" She glared at him in return yet thought their little play fight was funny, it was all an act afterall "Well, it looks like I am" A chuckle was heard as a hand cupped her own and another hand sat itself on her back

"Oh my, what a fiery soul"

The girl's (e/c) eyes shifted over to her left, catching the dark pink eyes of 'Trois'. She then jumped away from him and hid behind 'Kiji' yet again, her body shaking

'Fuck, that Cosplay is hella good. He looks just like him...'

'Honey' smiled at his 'Inmate' "Trois, you're scaring her. Be more careful, will you" The girl held onto 'Kiji', her head pressed against his back. He shook his head while sitting a hand in his forehead "A mess..."


The girl passed a drink over to 'Honey', making sure nothing would spill. She had decided to let the little Cosplayers stay around for a bit. They seemed so into Character that she even felt a bit worried for them, thinking that they could've escaped an Asylum or something

'Honey' had his head resting on his hand, giving her a smile as she sat the cup down for him. But, she froze as he sat his hand on hers "Oh my.." She blinked rapidly as he held her hand, sitting his other ontop of it "Your hands are so soft, Princess" The girl ripped her hand away from his, trying to stop her shaking.

'Trois' shook his head, walking over to her and patting her shoulder "Are you alrig--Ahhaha! Dont touch me!" She scrambled away from him before she soon stopped and realized what she was doing "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to people touching me and all that. And you guys look so much like the Anime Trois and Honey that it makes me nervous..." The two glanced at each other with a small smirk before looking back to her "I'm bein' a terrible host, I'm sorry.." A small silence went over them as they stood there, the girl with her head down

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