Dom took her fuzzy platformed slippers with her in her hands and grabbed her bag off the desk, spritzing some body mist on while she hopped downstairs. The door was wide open, allowing all the cool air from outside into the house. She ran outside and quickly made her way to lock the door, "Kev! Did you make the coffee?!"

From the backseat of the car, he raised the tumbler with coffee and shot her a thumbs up. She laughed a little before swiftly clicking the lock shut, putting her shoes on, hopping off the concrete step, and into the car.

Dom tossed her bag to Kevin in the back and adjusted her seat, "Less than 5 minutes, bro."

Tomas adjusted his seat down and exhaled deeply, making himself comfortable, "Just drive, bitch."

"A tu orden, bitch." (At your service.)


The three of them exited the car, taking in the sunny, yet chilly day. "You said you had practice today, right?"

"Yes'm," Kevin saluted her.

"We'll bring food home tonight. Do you need someone to pick you up?" He took another sip of the iced coffee in her hand and shook his head no, "Nah, I'll get Eli to drop me off before he heads home, it's cool."

She threw him a thumbs-up and went away with Tomas. After a few moments of silence, she spoke, "Y'know, I think the only thing I hate more about having to go to school every day is having first period with you and having to reduce myself to seeing your stupid face every day."

He pushes her lightly and laughs, "Imagine how tired we peasants are of seeing your stupid face every day."

"I hate you."

" And I definitely hate you more."

They walked into school-the bell about 10 minutes from ringing to meet their friends. The halls were filled with students congregating about and doing whatever they could to avoid getting to class on time. The group was gathered around their usual cornerstone, laughing about something.

"Twins! My favorite twins!"

Tomas jogs over and immediately joins his girlfriend, wrapping an endearing arm around her waist as he places a soft kiss on her forehead. "Good morning, lover. Good morning, fans of my fan club. Good morning, sissy, even though I live with you." Dom joins the group between Elijah and Makani.

"Why, good morrow, my beloved Eli. My, what would thou do without me in your midst," Dom mocks Tomas and dramatically grasps Elijah's arm, pretending to lose consciousness.

"Domi, you're so funny. Have I ever told you how funny you are? You're hilarious. Let's go." Tomas playfully shoves Dom away and drags Makani away to class. "Sorry, guys!" she yelled back. She would see them later anyways, even though Makani greatly enjoyed her time every morning with Tomas.


"And, don't forget your papers are due before the end of the week! No excuses! I don't want to hear about dead grandmas or-" The bell went off, interrupting Mr. Perez's last remarks. Dom and Tomas wasted no time in getting up and out of the classroom, not bothering to hang back for Mr. Perez's last words of the day.

"Tomi, if I ask you for the most smallest, most minuscule, most itty bittiest favor ever, would you maybe possibly consider saying yes?" He sharply inhaled and wrapped an arm around his twin, "Possibly, but it's a very small chance, so convince me quickly."

"Pay for my lunch?" A big smile plastered on her face and he immediately removed his arm and stopped walking. "My wallet? That's the favor?"

"C'mon! I don't have cash. Please! Just spot me, y'know I always got you if you asked me, PLEASE!" He stared at her, his mouth in a straight line. She stared back with pleading eyes and an annoyingly pouty lip that he laughed at before reaching into his pockets for his wallet.

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