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"Alright class, that's it for today! Please make sure to review your notes for tomorrow!"

'Oh, at last! Man, not only am I tired, but hungry too!' y/n thought, stretching her back.

Looking down at her phone, she noticed a new and convenient text message.


Heyyy~ you wanna go to a cafe after school? My treat 😋

(Y/N) (❛ᴗ❛)۶♡

Totally! I'll meet you at the front of the school in 10 (^∪^)

Locking her phone, she got up from her desk, ready to try to navigate her way to the school's entrance. 

'I'm not completely incompetent, so I should be able to find it on my own, right?' the girl looked up at the analog clock on the wall and began to sweat a little.

'Right? Oh who am I kidding, this place is huge! '

'Satou already left to go home, so I can't follow him on the way out. That leaves...'

y/n looked around and saw several circles of students chatting amongst themselves. She then realized she would have to do what any introvert would fear in this situation...

'Ask for help!' she gasped to herself, but quickly regained her composure.

'Hey, look on the bright side. Not only can I learn some new names, but I can also get a good reading on them. That girl with short black hair looks promising...'

She approached said short black-haired girl who was talking to a brown haired boy. They stopped their conversation and smiled warmly at the transfer when they noticed her presence.

'Ugh, I love them already.'

"Hey! Y/n, right? I'm Itano Yoriko, and this is Takeya. I gotta say, I love your nails!'

'If I wasn't black, they definitely would've seen me blush.'

"Aw!" she squealed. "Girl, thank you! I think this is the best set I've done so far. I can do your nails one day, if you'd like."

"Really? That'd be so cool! I've never met somebody who knew how to actually do acrylic nails, and they're so expensive to get done here. I owe you one!"

"Of course, anything for a pretty girl like you." she said while jokingly winking at her, and they both laughed.

The brown haired boy cleared his throat, reminding y/n of his existence. 'Oh shoot, did I just flirt with this guy's girlfriend right in front of him?'

"Yoriko, we should get going if we're gonna get good seats at tonight's show. We'll see you la-"

"Oh, are you guys heading out? Can you please show me to the front of the school? I'm supposed to meet somebody there, but I don't remember how to get there ahaha" she said, fidgeting with her rings.

"Wel-" the boy started. "Why didn't you say so? Of course we can show you, c'mon!" Yoriko finished for him, linking the other girl's shoulder with hers and leading her out the door. 

Yoriko looked behind her shoulder.

"Uhh Takeya, you coming?" He was standing there, his face blank but his grip on his bag strap tighter than biker shorts on a Kardashian. 

"I'll... meet you there"


Front of school

Coming down the stairs with Yoriko, y/n spotted Mikoto's bright hair and called out to her.

"Hey, Miko!" y/n exclaimed, waving at her.

She turned in y/n's direction, her hair flipping behind her back, showing off her piercings in her right ear. 

"y/n! There you are!" she gushed at me, waving back. "Oh hey Yoriko, what're you doing here?"

"Just showing y/n the way here. Alright, I gotta get back to Takeya- we have a date tonight!" she said while wiggling her shoulders and giggling. 

"WAIT, WHAAAAT?" Mikoto and I's eyes pracitically sprang out of our head. "YOU AND TAKEYA? TOGETHER?"

'Dang, I did flirt with ole dude's girlfriend. Oh well lmaooo'

A light blush dusted Yoriko's cheeks. 

"Y-yeah, he invited me to come to this concert for an underground group with him tonight. I'm pretty excited, especially since he's been dropping hints that he likes me for a while now."

"See? I told you it would happen sooner or later! My predictions are never wrong." Mikoto teased Yoriko, watching her blush darken at her words. Then, her bashful expression was exchanged for a startled one.

 "Omg I totally left Takeya upstairs, I gotta go! I hope he's not too upset!" She turned back towards the school building. "It was great meeting you y/n, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye Miko!" 

"Bye hun!""Byee boo!" The melanated teens waved back. "Good luck with your date!"

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