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When I came back to my senses I was in what I assumed to be the living quarters. Or something like it since there was bunk beds built into the walls. Myself laying in one.

I was alone. And the severity of my situation really settled in, but I couldn't cry. The skin of my cheeks were already tight with dried tears. I don't know how long I was mentally out of it but, it seemed I was coherent enough to move through my emotion up to the non zombie stage.

Moving off the bed I looked around. There was a panel with blue tinting moving towards it i could see the strange symbols like the hologram wall. Randomly I taped one taking a moment to feel accomplished that my guess opened the door. Stepping out I felt the immediate change. My hair began to float and even though my feet touched the ground I knew if I stepped off, I'd be suspended in air. The air also seemed a bit thinner.

And the more I breathed it felt like my lungs were constricting. My vision was beginning to spot, but as it came it went and I could breath normally again. I think it only took a few minutes even though it was highly uncomfortable.

Slowly taking a step it reminded me of the video recreations of walking on the moon. I floated in the air for a second before touching down.

"Tiny human!" The rumble like growl most definitely didn't sound human nor did it sound like English. Spinning around I was met with a mountain of a creature. "Look Va'lak, the tiny human.

Immediately I thought of the beast from beauty and the beast. Just less lion like and more scaly golem. It's face had no notable nose bridge or nose for that matter. The skin was pure black and reflected the low lighting. Though he glowed. Purple to be exact, and from markings along two flaps sort of like toothless from how to train your dragons.

His shoulder, chest and arms were bulky and built larger than the bottom half. He leaned on his balled hands and hunched over. A bit like a gorilla. His hand reach out to me it uncalled to show three fingers in total with sharp looking claws.

I ducked away from the hand and stumbled backwards only to float unsteadily in the air. As I began to rotate upside down I found myself look at an even larger form of the other. It was glowing green however.

"Tal'lak humans haven't left their planet before, you've scared it." Most likely referring to the short startled cry when stumbled away from the other. The large hand reached out and tugged me down to the floor allowing me to stand once again. "I am sorry about him he is hasty."

"Uh it-its okay." Once again the words didn't sound normal but I could understand it completely. The one set of green glowing space on its face blinked, safe to assume them to be eyes.

"Intresting, you can understand me even though you do not speak my tongue," the thing leaned further down to levels its eyes with me. "Even more so that I can understand you. Perhaps tàmala was right about those votak experiment on you."

"Experiment?" The coldness of the room now settling into my bones with the shaky anxiety. "I think I remember him saying something about 20%. But I went into shock, I think."

"Tàmala is female tiny human, and would be best to speak to her of what you will do next along with captain."

"What I will do?" There was that question again. I had no where to head back to, I don't know anything about anything. "Your right where can I find them?"

"They will be in the pilot room. Exit to left and follow the hall till the end." His large hand pointing to a door along a wall just visible between the large metal boxes.

"Okay left and down- wait tàmala is female? As in birth giving woman?" A rumble fell from the large alien. Almost felt like a laugh.

"If you are around for some time ask about teachings."

Looking down at my feet I moved to the door, looking back for a moment. "Thank you." The door slid open and I was in a long corridor. As instructed I went left and all the way down.

Strangely enough it was a long corridor, which made me think the ship was quite big. The doors were far and few, everything a grey or black metallic, the lighting only consisting of long strips on the upper corners and bottom corners.

Though I could see in detail despite the low lighting. Stopping at the last door of the hall I took a moment to breath, since waking up I haven't stopped and everything is moving fast. But it's probably best.

Taping the familiar symbol that opened the last two door I walkened I to the middle of a conversation. Or more accurately argument. Thought looking around the room immediately drew the correlation to star trek once again.

"It doesn't belong. Best scenario is to leave it with the kymai authority."

"She is the last of her race, and a human at that. She'll be killed."

"Perhaps that is the kindest decision."

The tan one was speaking in my defense while a cat like alien and the other two look alikes were against me being here. Staying to the side I silently listened.

"Tàmala, we saved her and now you think we should just let her die?"

"Captain she is alone, the last of her race. Is it not cruel to leave her alive with such pain, her body has already shut down with the news."

The cat alien lifted its head a bit flaring it's nostrils, turning its head to my direction. The predatory gaze sending a heavy shiver through me.

"Perhaps but to put her down in such away with an intelligent creature isn't right either. We'd be no better than the votak."

"The votak have already tainted the human, you tell us to be compassionate and yet you hold on to an ill fate for it."

"Her, Tàmala. The human is female."

The cat who was closer to my height moved between the two bickering aliens. Still staring me down.

"Perhaps she should speak."

All heads moved from the cat then in the direction it was looking. All of them sounded male but I could tell that the captain had a deeper tone to Tàmala, just barely noticeable. I hugged my stomache at the intensity of the stares.

"Hi?" None of their face shifted, still staring with that unsettling intensity. "I'm sorry for intruding."

"We were talking about you, come here." The captain motioned me over. "Now that you are awake we can discuss how we will proceed."


"Yes, we can either drop you off at the next port or you can travel with us." The long spindly fingers of his hand dropped ontop of my head. "The choice is yours, much like the rest of my crew."

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