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(Tw:mention of drugs-satire)

I'm not cool, I'm not smart, I cant even parallel park. -Brutal, Olivia Rodrigo

It's scaring knowing that I'm never getting out of here. Cuz I'm to afraid to do it alone.

It was an early morning as usual. The sun was pouring through my windows, and I just lay here, in a deadly silence. My body refusing to move. Like someone's just sucked the whole point of living out of me. And that's normal.

Summer break hated me, and I hated summer break. The sun hitting my face makes me squint, I groan. I can feel how stiff my body is. So I give it my best shot and a haul myself out of bed and open my door. As I do, the doorbell rings.

"Who is it?" I ask, my voice croaky but I mange to yell.

"Alex." I groan at the sound of my best friend's voice. "I'm not home." He laughs as I switch on hallway light, I shrug over to the door and open it.

"What do you want." I ask, looking up at the boy.

"I texted you." I nodded, not getting the point.

"And you didn't awnser. So I came over anyway." I let him inside and I made my way back to my bed, he sits in my gaming chair making himself comfy.

"Ya know, if you come to North-!" I interrupt and glare at him.

"Enough with North Carolina Alex." He sighs and spins again, facing me again.

"You can't hide from him forever you know?" I shrug and take a sip from my water bottle.

"Look, Jimmy said Karl didn't want me back. So I won't go back. He hurt me Quacks." He sighs and he gets up and he embraces me in his arms.

"You know, Jimmy told you Karl didn't want  you back. Why didn't Karl tell you himself?"

I think about the last conversation I had with him, we where talking about his merch, and what he wanted to do with it. Now our messages sit there, collecting dust. Like we never even happened. If there even was a we. 

I thought there was.

"Wanna stream?" I asked, my voice barely audible, muffled by face pressed against Alex's chest.

I streamed with Karl once. That stream was the best moment of my life, it was so genuine. And then it all went down hill from there. Honestly it was nerve racking staying in a house of someone I barely knew. Or barley remember for that fact.

i was taken back all those years ago, when i was 17. Spending my nights with the Mr.Beast gang Working for him. Thats how I met Karl too, I thought that me and Karl had something. Countless nights editing and staying out in the cold.

That was just me. It had always been me.

I live in Florida, and I share a house with my brother Nick and his 'amazing' and 'attractive' friend, and my roomate Clay (dream). We spend most of our days together. Playing UNO and Monopoly, most days. Taking drugs and alcohol, like all Florida residents do. (Kidding)

I worked for Mr. Beast when i was younger. About 17-19. I moved in with my brother at 20 and have ever since. Going back once to visit karl, but I promised myself it would be that last time.

Quackity sets up the stream, and he pans to a full screen of our faces.

"HOLA CHAT! ITS YOUR BOY QUACKITY,  WITH YOUR FELLOW MAMACITA OAKLEY!" I give a small smile and wave. Half matching Alex's enthusiasm.

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