"okay, don't drain out my kitchen and make a mess. the caramel popcorn is in the cabinet if you want. before you head home, make sure to lock the door."

"yeah. you both enjoy your time." he said, waving between felix and hyunjin.

the two of them waved back before walking out of the apartment and entering the elevator.

"you look beautiful in a suit." hyunjin suddenly said, looking at felix with a smile. dang. how did he do that to his heart?

"you too." felix replied. they walked to the car silently, without a word. however, it didn't matter. they liked the silence. it was comforting.

felix sat behind the wheel while hyunjin sat in the passenger's seat. the ride started smoothly, 'heat waves' playing in the background. felix felt no awkwardness. hyunjin's presence was comforting. he turned his head to look at him bobbing his head softly, mouthing the lyrics as he tapped his thigh continuously, looking outside the window.

felix reached across the console, grabbing hyunjin's tapping hand and stopping it from moving. he placed their hands on his thigh and looked up.

"it's okay. don't be nervous." felix smiled at him.

"i'm not nervous." hyunjin retracted, shaking his legs. felix sighed, grabbing hyunjin's thigh slightly, making him halt. others may not notice that. but felix saw right through hyunjin. he looked nervous, and slightly scared.

"are you going to lie to me the whole evening or just now?" felix asked. hyunjin stared at him, his eyes glistening. felix pressed on the brakes, stopping in front of some random shop. he angled his body a little to face hyunjin. "do you want to talk about it?"

"talk about what?" hyunjin asked, looking away, his eyes pained momentarily.

"hyunjin," felix called with his deep voice over the soft music playing in the background. hyunjin turned his head and looked at him. "i called off my work, rented a fancy tux with my crusty savings, dressed up and didn't think before i said yes to this party i don't even know anything about. for you." he said, emphasising on the you. "don't you think i deserve to know at least how you feel?"

hyunjin looked at his face before sighing.

"i don't want to go to this party, lix." hyunjin said, his eyes welling up a little. that was the first time felix got to see hwang hyunjin tearing up. like, it was the first time he saw this side of hyunjin. this vulnerable, humane, soft side of him—that made felix want to hug the shit out of him.

"why?" felix asked, his voice soothing and gentle.

"because i hate it. i hate this party. i hate my father. i hate everything. i hat—"

"hey hey shh shh—"

felix leaned over and pulled hyunjin against his body, letting him cry into his shoulder. the latter wailed, crushing the shoulder pads of felix's tux as he bawled his eyes out. felix's heart broke at that. he had no idea hyunjin had everything bottled up inside of him. he rubbed comforting circles down his back as he brushed his long hair, holding him and letting him cry it all out.

that day felix was sure of something; he was going to protect hyunjin.

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