Ella eats Kyle

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At the Forest...

Kyle and Ella were adventuring through the Forest. Ella (With her Mighty Gear) is in Gigantic size with Kyle sitting on her muzzle.

Kyle FKZF: (Sigh) Quite a beautiful day out today. Nothing like a good Giant Puppy Adventure together.

Ella: How does my Fur feel?

Kyle FKZF: It's really soft, like grass.

Kyle then thought of being inside of Ella's mouth.

Kyle FKZF: Hey Ella.

Ella: Yeah?

Kyle FKZF: Can you set me down? I have to ask you something.

Ella: Okay.

Ella then leans her Head down and Kyle jumped off her muzzle.

Ella: So whaddya gonna ask me?

Kyle FKZF: Mind I look inside your mouth?

Ella: My mouth? Sure, why not.

Ella leans her Head down and opened up her mouth, allowing Kyle to peak inside.

Kyle FKZF: Whoa! That looks gross, and your Tongue and uvula is BIG!

Ella then realizes why Kyle said to open her mouth.

Ella: I think I know where this is going, you wanted me to eat you?

Kyle FKZF: Caught me! I do want you to eat me.

Ella: But why would I eat my own friend? Won't you be in danger? Like...become food?

Kyle FKZF: I'll take my chances.

Ella: Okay.

Ella then leaned her Head down and opened her mouth and engulfed half of Kyle's body.

Kyle FKZF: Mrmph!!

Kyle's legs were sticking out of Ella's mouth, and she slurped him inside her mouth. Kyle was on her Tongue.

Kyle FKZF: Awwff! You sure do have bad breath Ella.

Kyle stands up. He was now standing on Ella's Tongue.

Kyle FKZF: Oh my god! I'm standing on a Giant Golden Retriever's Tongue. It's Big, warm and soft.

Ella: It's also a little slippery.

Kyle FKZF: I can feel it!

But then, Ella tilted her head up with Kyle inside her mouth.

Kyle FKZF: Woooooooaaahhh!!

Kyle slid down Ella's Tongue towards her throat and Ella swallowed him.

Ella: (Gulp)

Kyle was now inside of Ella's Stomach.

Kyle FKZF: Oh my god. It smells really bad in here- yo! It's completely empty in here!

Ella: It is?!

Kyle FKZF: Yeah, nothing but all this very squishy stomach mucus is all I see.

Ella: It's gross, isn't it?

Kyle FKZF: Yeah, it's horrible.

Kyle can hear Ella huffing and puffing while he was inside of her Stomach.

Kyle FKZF: I can hear you breathing.

Kyle then looks around in the Giant Golden Retriever's Stomach and had a weird yet good idea.

Kyle FKZF: Ella, I know this may sound weird and gross. But do you think you can keep me safe inside your Stomach whenever we do this stuff and so no bad men can hurt me?

Ella: Keeping you safe inside my Stomach? Sure, I can totally do that. Even though it's weird.

Ella's Stomach growled with Kyle inside.

Ella: (Groan)

Kyle FKZF: Ahh! That Stomach growl was loud!

Ella's Stomach started growling fast.

Ella: (Groaning)

Kyle FKZF: It's so wiggly in here! What's happening?!

But then, half of Kyle's body was sticking out of Ella's Huge Butt. He was stuck.

Kyle FKZF: Oh my god! Your Butt is Huge, Ella! (Grunt) I'm stuck!

Ella then fully pops Kyle out of her Butt.

Kyle FKZF: (Catching his breath) Dang! I was wondering how I was going to come out of there.

Kyle stands up.

Ella: How was it inside my Stomach?

Kyle FKZF: It was so warm in there. It felt like 102°.

Ella: You must've liked it.

Kyle FKZF: I did. I don't know how I still managed to breathe in there.

Ella: To be honest, you did taste good.

Kyle FKZF: What'd I taste like?

Ella: I dunno. Bread?

Kyle FKZF: I got something to say.

Ella: What?

Kyle FKZF: Lick me with that Big Tongue of yours.

Ella then licked Kyle with her Big Tongue 4 times.

Kyle FKZF: Yuck! Now that's what I call Giant Golden Retriever Love.

Ella: (Chuckle) I guess we'll have to call it that.

Kyle FKZF: Can we get back to our Adventure?

Ella: I think me eating you was part of it, and yes.

Ella leaned her Head down and Kyle climbed up onto Ella's muzzle.

Kyle FKZF: That was awesome! I was inside a Giant Golden Retriever's mouth and it's Stomach.

Ella: I found it disgusting.

Kyle FKZF: Well, I didn't.

Ella started walking again through the Forest with Kyle sitting on her muzzle. That was Kyle's first time being inside of a Giant Pup's mouth and Stomach.

The End.

Ella eats KyleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora