Part 2

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A few hours goes by and Audrey finally wakes up. Audrey looks around to find that she is back on the couch where she once was. No one was around her. She was all by herself. She pulls the blanket off of her body, swings around and looks at the giant window.

As she is staying there for a little while, two of the security guards come back up. Audrey turns around to look at them

"How the hell did I get back up here?"

"Miss Brightmoon, your brother Valyn brought you back. He said you were frightened and scared by some hunter."

"No! I'm not supposed to be back here,". She turns around to look out the window once more, putting your hand on the glass. "I'm supposed to be out there, living my life and having fun."

" I was sorry Miss Brightmoon, but you have to remain here until further notice," one of the guards told her.

Audrey turns around, crosses her arms and asks, "Did my father ask you to keep me here as a prisoner?"

They guards just stand there. No movement and no emoticon.

Audrey scoffs, "Typical." She then turns around to look back out the window.

A few minutes go by and Valyn comes into the lounge. Audrey, still facing the window, turns her head to look at him. She glances once and quickly turns back around.

"Oh my God Audrey! I'm so glad you're ok," Valyn tried putting a hand on Audreys shoulder, but she growls once she is felt by his hand.

"Listen, i'm sorry about earlier. You were going crazy and you weren't letting me help you. Putting you under a sleeping spell was the only way to bring you back," he says.

Audrey speaks up, "Did you even consider the fact that maybe I didn't WANT to come back here?"

"I just did what Dad told me to do and that was to bring you back here," he explains. Audrey stands up and faces Valyn. Valyn's blue ears perk up a bit when he sees Audrey.

"Dad told you to bring me back? Why did he make you do it? HE HAS GUARDS FOR A REASON!"

"I know you're angry and have every right to be. But please, just go see him now. Maybe it's not as bad as you think," Valyn states.

As the two of them continue to talk, Tara barges in. Audrey and Valyn turn to see her.

Audrey looks at Tara, "He wants to see me now, huh?"

Tara nods. Audrey looked at Valyn and walked past him. She then walks past Tara and Tara follows behind her.

Audrey and Tara make it to the final and highest floor. The two of them walked together, side-by-side, down the dark and eerie hallway. Audrey looks up at Tara and then back towards the end of the hall.

"So, Dad is making you wear that ridiculous uniform, huh?" Audrey asks.

Tara, looking at the end of the hall, "It's not ridiculous, little sister. It shows he respects me. And don't call him Dad. Call him Mr. Brightmoon."

"Why would I do that?" Audrey asks.

Tara stops in front of Audrey. Audrey looks up to find Tara's angry face, "Because it is professional. You are a part of this business whether you like it or not."

Audrey glares at her sister after her remark. Tara turns away and continues to walk down the hall, while Audrey follows.

They get to the end of the hall and come to a stop. Tara knocks on the door and hears an old man grunt. She pushes the door open as Audrey stands right next to her. There, a big desk lies in the middle of a dark abyss of a room. Bookshelves lie along the walls, going up to the ceiling. There stood a tall man.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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