Chapter four Miracles and a Light

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During the night of terror in a school that I realized it's not from this world. Well I guess I can say it's a monster. Now I'm at a dead end thinking this is gonna be last of me before I get eaten alive . I want to say is with a prayer and my knees on the floor and I said,"please god protect my family from anything that goes for them in harm ,and all the people down to earth from these things that I see today ... that's all I could say ." I finished my praying stayed on the ground in tell something happened to me.

I saw something on me a light I never seen before weird symbols parts were on my hand and half way on my arm and the light was purple . The demon backed away slowly ,but won't back down . Well I was looking at my arm ,and then looked at the demon . I heard someone in my head talking to me I thought I was crazy ,but then the demon launch toward me.

Everything was black but then a light was showing me the way . I saw the demon stabbed by two swords by my two hands. I was shocked to see it up close but it wasn't dead yet . He's not the only one who got wounded or got injured it was me as well. The demon called me Roxanne for some reason. I talked to it and I said ,"Who is Roxanne?"he replied ,"You're Roxanne ."and I told him,"I'm not Roxanne .My name is Kora ." he responded ,"No wonder you ran away.When I was in the darkness I heard a rumor that a young woman killed all of our companions to protect the human's villages and her name was Roxanne . So when I met you. You smell like Roxanne's blood and you look like her ."I replied ."What's this then how did it get on my skin ."he said ."Four thousand years ago a war had broken on this land it was called The Burton Blood of Time or another name they say it is call The Battle of the Gods but the real name of this fierce battle is called Light Versus the Darkness Revolution . This bloody battle gotten all of the humans even Roxanne to fight against us the demons."and I said,"what happened next?"and then ,"when the war stop Roxanne and the humans defeat us. Some of us die while the rest of us ran away in fear into the darkness without no trace. When we left the battle field the dark clouds made a circle and light shined where she was standing the clouds made stairs and a man in white bright clothes appeared with a mighty voice came. That's all I know but my companions said that on that day she turned into a god. I guess that's what's on you right nowhere power of the gods."he said.
Sooner after that the demon turned into dust. I fell into a deep sleep after that and everything went black.

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