Part 45

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Me, FabvL, Skull, Pat, and Dan ran off to find somewhere to hide from Igor's alter ego. I hid in the office with Skull. "How?" Skull asked. "It seems like his alter ego took over., I don't know" I replied. "How do we stop that then?" "I don't know" Pat came in. "Whatcha doing? I thought you hid in the living room" I said. "Well, I was. Igor... or well, yeah, he found me" Pat said. "That's not Igor" "Then who is it?" Skull asked. "I don't know. From what Igor told me, he has an alter ego named NightSkyNinja-" "Whoa. Question: Why does it have NightSky in the name?" Skull asked. "Um.... I don't-..... " I stopped my sentence. "Maybe that alter ego only comes out during the night, so all we have to do is wait until daytime or have to turn the lights on" I said. "Maybe" Igor said. Me, Skull, and Pat screamed a bit. "How'd you get here?" Pat asked. "You guys were talking and didn't see the door which was open, btw" "How is the door open?" Skull asked. "Thank Pat" Igor said. "Really dude" Skull said. "So anyway, I'm just gonna kill Pat first since he left the door open while you guys were hiding from me" Igor said. Pat ran out of the room with me and Skull and Igor chased us again. "Where's FabvL and Dan?" I asked. "They are somewhere. I don't know where" Pat replied. "Oh" I said. "Hey guys" Skull said.  "Yeah" Me and Pat both said. "Where's Igor? Wasn't he chasing us?" "He's behind us" "Oh right" We stopped running and when I saw Igor, I saw him grab his head. 'I really don't know what's happening' I thought. "Hey guys" Igor said. "Hello, Igor's alter ego" Pat said. "What?...... oh, you mean NightSkyNinja?" "Uh... yeah, wait, are you NightSkyNinja?" "No" Skull sighed. "Good, how did NightSkyNinja go away?" He asked. 'It's morning" Igor said. "So I was right" I said. Igor laughed a bit. "Yes you were" He said.

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