Chapter 9

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(Hey I read a sad fan fic so..... Ye sorry)

Anne's pov-

I was racing Katherine down the stairs when all of a sudden I fall down 4 steps.


I say and I get up. I see Cathy walking towards me.

Cathy-Baby... You ok?

She asks me and I nod. Suddenly I taste blood. I turn away from Kat to stop her from seeing because me and her REALLY hate blood after... You can guess.
I hear Cathy gasp and she brings me to a mirror. I see a small stream of blood coming out of my mouth.

My eyes star to tear up so Cathy takes me upstairs to the bathroom. I open my mouth and there is loads of blood.

Anne-Cathy, this is alot of blood. C-Cathy its t-too much blood...

Cathy- Baby, its fine I promise.

Anne-N-no.... Its too much.

I say and I feel very faint. Cathy must notice as she sits me on the bathroom counter and hugs me.

I cry. I don't know why. Maybe it was the blood or I just wasn't feeling well but I faint. I don't remember much, it was just black and some blurs.

I feel myself being lifted up and placed onto something. I wake up in hospital. I see Cathy crying and holding my hand.

Cathy-BABY... You're awake!!!

She shouts the first bit but Jane puts a finger to her mouth as Kat is asleep.

Anne-What happened?

Cathy-Well you fainted, then you hit your head really hard and momentarily stopped breathing.

I could see tears welling up in her eyes. I feel so bad.

Cathy-So I called the ambulance and all the girls decided they wanted to come. Obviously not in the ambulance.

I reach over and hug Cathy.

Anne-Well I'm ok now!

Cathy smiles weakly.

(Words- 314)

idk why I'm writing this (Parrlyn) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now