Chapter 17: An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

Momoru jumped onto the scaffolding entering the 4th floor.

"Jump to me!" Momoru shouts to Fruity, as he stands and readies to jump. 
Scaffolding blocks the way, stopping Fruity from jumping. The scaffolding he's on enters the top floor, as he jumps onto the 6th floor and looks down.

"I'll check on Kamaye, you get some gas!" Momoru says, as Fruity picks up the jerrycan and walks into the top floor.

Momoru walks downstairs, but is blocked by two unsuspecting men, searching for something. Momoru ducks into a room, hiding from the two. He picks up a pipe from the ground of the room he's in, a supply closet. 

As the men get closer, Momoru readies.
Momoru gets the jump on them, swinging the PCP pipe at one of their faces, breaking the pipe. The other man jumps back, as Momoru swings the broken pipe again, breaking it until it's barely usable.

"You're lucky I won't kill you." Momoru says to the two on the floor.
Momoru sneaks around, looking for the stairs to go down. He enters a hallway, about 50 feet long. He begins to sprint down the hallway, but stops immediatly.

"A broken leg isn't that bad, but seeing rebar stick out of your leg like I did scared the hell out of me." Sadao's voice said, freezing Momoru in his tracks.

Momoru didn't have time to back up or run forward, nor did he have anywhere to hide.

Sadao turned the corner into the hallway and notices Momoru.


Outside, Rhed sits at the van, admiring his hands.

"I wonder.."
Rhed points at the lamp post in front of him.

"I want.. good luck?"
The lamp post fell and landed on a car headed into the castle's closed door. Rhed freaks out and runs up to the car.

"Oh, you're with a yakuza patriarch? Wait.."

Rhed understands what's happening and walks away from the car. He points at the castle, speaking loudly and clearly.

"Bad luck on the castle."

A piece of rebar falls onto the floor in front of Rhed.

"What's th-"
Scaffolding falls, almost hitting him. He looks up in distress, as the castle almost falls on him.

"Ah crap."

Back inside, Fruity begins to search around the top. He scours around the top floor, but not before running around the empty hallways. 

He stumbles into a hallway full of different items.

"What the.."
The doors had several names on them, like Liquid Power, Powdered Power, and Solid power. All three had different thing in them, like Cocaine, Alcohol, and Guns. But Fruity looked at the end of the hall, and sees one sign.


Fruity runs to the end of the hall and opens the vault.

He sees money, lots of it. The vault is about 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and about 45 feet tall. Oh, and its filled to the roof with money. He picks up a handful, and shoves it into his pockets. He turns and begins to look around the other rooms, while wondering.

"What is this for, though? I read about the Kibou being a crime family, but no crime family has a vault the size of a football field!" Fruity says, before stopping dead in his tracks. 

He hears people come in from the stairs, and so he freaks out.

"Uh.. Uh oh."

Fruity ducks into a room, the room with alcohol in it. He hides behind the bottles of glass and grabs one, ready to break it over someone's head. The men get closer, and Fruity gets ready to hit someone.

Suddenly, he feels his body fly back. He hits the wall behind him, and looks out the window. He realizes that he doesn't see the town's lights, but the stars above them. Fruity grabs the window with everything he could, before hitting the ground.

Momoru digs himself out of the rubble, bleeding from his forehead. He stands upright, and Sadao lifts himself up using his throne. He and Momoru stare at each other, as the two look up. 

Money falls from the sky, burning because of the electrical fire. Momoru charges forward, but Sadao is blinded by the money.

"I needed that.. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" Sadao shouts, as Momoru stops running.

"You know NOTHING! You don't know why he's chasing after you, do you?" Sadao asks Momoru.
"What are you getting at?"

"One of you is the heir to the Kibou fortune, or the fireball in the goddamn sky."

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