Dear (y/n), 

I hope this doesn't find you too late but I would like to ask you to come and watch Slytherin's Quidditch practice later tonight. I understand if you are unable to make it due to your and my brother's ridiculous curfew. I'll know your answer by your presence at our training. I hope you stay safe darling. 

Regulus Black

"You're not seriously thinking of going?" Sirius spoke out loud before you could even catch a glimpse of him looking towards you. 

"Why wouldn't I?" You replied. 

"Because it's the Slytherin Quidditch team." 


"And?" Sirius shifted in his seat, his mouth ape with every second that passed by. "And? (y/n) they try and kill you every time you play them in a Quidditch match. You're really going to go there on your own when they tease and bully you?"

"I'll be fine -" 

"What if they try and do something?" 

"I thought you didn't care about me?" Your words hut him deeply. He knew that wasn't true but he had to keep up that lie. After all, who knows how you'd act if you ever found out the truth. "And don't you dare hit back with 'I don't I just care about how Remus feels' because you evidently don't and besides that's no excuse."

"I just don't them trying to take advantage or do anything to you." 

"Well how about this, a proposal," 

"You haven't even taken me to dinner yet," Sirius smirked. 

"Not like that you idiot, a deal of some sort." 

"Like what?"

"Let me go and greet Regulus like everything is normal and then you can send Kaz in to look after me." 

"Well, why can't Kaz come with you when you turn up?" 

"That may draw more attention, besides, taking a dog through a castle might pose to be rather difficult, and not to mention, I don't want anyone on the team to question it." You looked deep into his eyes, reflections of the moon in the sea glowed back into your own eyes as he maintained eye contact. "Do we have a deal?" 

"We do."

"Fantastic." Your tone dripped of sarcasm before turning back to your work whereas Sirius kept his sly yet wicked grin on his face. 

What you didn't know what that you had just signed away even the smallest amount of privacy you wanted with his brother away as now he was able to keep a watch over you. Even so, this way he was also able to control if his brother was able to get within a few meters close to you. His dog form gave him the chance to bark and growl as much as he desired without any consequences being delivered his way. Sure you may have given him a few stern words and perhaps the odd disapproving looks but he could take that. Not only that but it was far easier to sneak out of the castle now rather than a giant black dog roaming the halls.

As Sirius was deep in thought, evidently happy yet you weren't interested in his emotions as you slipped him a note. Taken back by your actions he opened it and found you'd written him a list of ingredients. 

"What's this?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"A list of ingredients." You replied, not bothering to look up from your work.

"Obviously." He straightened up in his stool. "What's it for?" 

"No wonder why you weren't put in Ravenclaw." You muttered but he heard you loud and clear. "It's for the potion. You know the one for Remus." 

Little Red Riding Hood (Sirius Black x reader)Where stories live. Discover now