Chapter 7 - finale

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Without further hesitation, Minho lunged at them, a psychotic smile on his face. In his left hand was a knife that he had been hiding with him the entire time. Luckily, when he hadn't been possessed by Leebit he didn't turn it on himself.

    Jisung and Seungmin sprinted to the door, quickly barricading it with a heavy display case filled with miscellaneous objects they found valuable. Minho banged against the door a bit too calmly for someone who knew they would be trapped inside for an indefinite amount of time. If Minho were still in control, he would no doubt be yelling curses at them. Leebit had all the time in the world to wait.   

    "Locking me in here won't help you," Minho said in a sing-song voice. "You forget I have friends who can help me out."

    Shit. He had forgotten about Changbin and Jeongin. Pulling Jisung along behind him, he located Felix wandering aimlessly around the kitchen.

    "No time to explain," Seungmin said quickly. "Do me a favor and make sure Changbin and Jeongin are locked in their rooms. Also, whatever you do, don't unbarracade Minho's room."

    "I don't know where they are," Felix said sheepishly. "I've been looking everywhere for them but I can't find them anywhere."

    "Try harder!" Seungmin yelled. He felt bad for how rude he was being, but they were in a dangerous situation and there was no time to be missing two possessed people.

    Leaving Felix and Jisung to look for them, he found Chan and Hyunjin discussing something in the living room, their plushies and PuppyM sitting propped up on the couch. Now was the time.

    "Minho's possessed. We need to destroy the plushies now or someone might get seriously hurt." If he had to explain, he just might lose his mind.

    "I don't-" He didn't have time for Chan's ignorance.

    "Well Hyunjin does. Also, if you weren't fucking deaf, you would be able to hear Minho pounding on the door and threatening to kill us. Maybe you noticed that Changbin and Jeongin are missing? Or has that gone over your head too?"

    Hyunjin glanced at Chan with a sympathetic look on his face and whispered into Seungmin's ear. "He's been acting strange since Jeongin showed him the drawing he did. Give him a break."

    "I don't really care right now. Our lives are in danger and I need help setting up the fire pit so we can get rid of these plushies."

    "I don't think Jeongin and Changbin will give up theirs willingly."

    "That's why we have to find them and make sure they can't stop us."


    Jisung struggled to get Changbin to listen. The latter was slipping in and out of his own consciousness and becoming increasingly more violent as time went by. He figured he would have an easier time trying to explain and tie him up when he still had control but that theory proved to be wrong.

    Felix had resulted to threatening Jeongin to behave by holding a knife to his throat. The spirits couldn't afford to lose their host. They also couldn't afford to lose what their soul was tied to; the plushies.

    Borrowing the knife, he held it firmly to Changbin's throat, watching in mild satisfaction as all fight left his body. Felix helped him tie Changbin's arms and legs together, slipping a makeshift gag into his mouth so they wouldn't have to hear him yelling. Dwaekki was clearly in control, his host's eyes filled with raw hatred.

    Over his shoulder, he saw Seungmin, Chan, and Hyunjin gathering firewood and throwing it into the fire pit, the plushies strapped together. He understood why they had to do this but he wondered if the ones affected would ever be the same afterward, or if the effects would be long-lasting.

    Jeongin caught sight of Foxiny bound against the other plushies and began struggling against his restraints. Felix defused the situation by threatening him again. By now, Jeongin was practically vibrating in place.

    "Be prepared!" Chan yelled over to them. Seungmin had warned that their operation might not go as smoothly as wanted due to three of them being possessed.

    Jisung stood behind Changbin, knife in hand as Hyunjin started a fire. The flames started off small and slowly grew until they were big enough to swallow the plushies whole. Seungmin tossed them inside, their bodies immediately going up in flames, their remaining ashes falling through the gaps in the logs and disappearing.

    "Jeongin isn't breathing!" Felix cried, rolling Jeongin onto his back. His eyes were wide and glassy, staring unseeingly at the sky. He looked dead.

    At the same time, a muffled, animalistic scream could be heard from inside the house coming from Minho's open window. He was in pain, but he couldn't help. The screaming grew louder before stopping as abruptly as it had started.

    After a few agonizing moments, Jeongin took in a large gulp of air, his eyes flickering around to scan his surroundings. As realization hit him, he began to panic.

    "I didn't hurt anyone, right?!" He cried. It made him wonder what he might have done if Felix hadn't found him lurking in the forest.

    "You didn't. Everyone's okay. I think..." Chan's voice trailed off, recalling Minho's scream.

    Changbin seemed fine other than being a bit confused as to why he was tied up. Jisung ran inside, Hyunjin and Seungmin following close behind. They had seen what had happened to Jeongin when Foxiny let go, who knows what Leebit had done.

    Hesitantly moving the display case away from the door, they ran inside preparing for the worst. Minho was slumped against the wall, his skin as white as a sheet. The room was silent except for the sounds of his ragged breathing.

    "Minho, are you okay?" Seungmin cried, rushing over to him.

    "I think so. What happened?" He asked, his voice shaky. Sweat had beaded on his forehead. Had he had to fight Leebit out of his body? "Last thing I remember Jisung was...dead."

    Jisung ran forward, embracing Minho's trembling body. The plushies were no more and they were freed from the horrors that they had put them through. He was sure Seungmin had learned that next time, he would only buy plushies if they were insanely expensive.

    "It's all good now."

Button Eyes | SKZ horror fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें