xli. Corona Australis

Start from the beginning

     "You're so far away," a soft voice coming from his bed was the only thing that broke his mind apart. He turned his head, looking at the pretty girl still snuggled up under the duvet looking at him with a faint pout.

     "Morning, my love," he put his cup and newspaper down, walking to her side of the bed. A smile on his face when he saw her sitting up and reached her hands to hug him, he bent down, sneaked his hand on the back of her neck and leaned down to her instead.

     "I haven't brushed my teeth," the girl scrunched her face, moving away from his kiss only to be pulled to him once again.

     "And I care because?" Cepheus beamed, putting his knee on the edge of the bed to hold himself from hovering above her.

     "Because, Cepheus Týr Marcellous, that is disgusting," with a hand on his face, the girl pushed him away from her softly, earning a soft chuckle from the boy himself as he started to sit in front of her now.

     Cepheus looked at her with such a soft gaze that she had never seen coming from him before. The Slytherin boy in front of her had always been known as cold before, in fact, him and three of his friends had always been seen as unapproachable, not to mention one of them was a literal bully. Yet, the moment they started talking, it seemed like he couldn't take his eyes off her, even when she sat at the table across the room. His eyes almost always set on her the moment she stepped foot into the Great Hall.

     "I have something to do today," Cepheus let out the sentence in a low tone, almost sounding half-hearted at the thought of having to leave her side.

     "That's fine, I have to go home and pack anyway," the girl said, a hand caressing his cheek as a smile grew on his face. Never had she seen him this relaxed before. "Has Orion come home yet?"

     Cepheus shook his head softly as an answer and the girl let out a soft sigh.

     "I just hope she's alright," she said as she bit the inside of her cheek, a worried glance on her face at the thought of Orion not coming home for almost a week. "I don't like lying to her, Ceph."

     "Cho," this time it was his turn to sigh, grabbing a hand on his cheek softly. "We're not lying to her, she didn't ask."

     Cho gave her boyfriend a knowing look, tilting her head while an eyebrow was lifted. "Because you avoided her," she let out a low laugh when Cepheus groaned in annoyance, knowing his girlfriend was right. "Besides, I don't get why you're afraid to tell her, it's not like she's going to start a riot."

     "You're her best friend and again I thought you don't like PDA, thought you wanted it to be private?" Cepheus' tone was low, he now felt stupid when he realised what she meant by private.

     "Private, Ceph. Not a secret," Cho sighed, though the smile on her face never faded even in one second. "As I said, she wouldn't mind."

     "Yeah, but you are her best friend, love. She's going to think I'm taking you away from her," Cepheus stood up this time, walking towards the bench on the end of his bed and grabbed his white Oxford that he had laid down after he took a shower earlier.

     "Yeah, but this is Orion, we're talking about," Cho said in the same tone that Cepheus used, eyes still following the boy who was putting his shirt on. "Besides, put yourself in her shoes. Let's swap the narrative, would you be mad if she gets with one of your best friends? Surely you wouldn't because you already know them."

     Cepheus immediately widened his eyes, a scoff escaped his mouth as he twisted his head to face his girlfriend in an instance. "Yeah, no," he shook his head. "The only closest thing I have to a friend is either Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott. The only slightly decent one from the three of them is Nott and he is currently hopelessly and undeniably in love with my twin."

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