Qera and Naku: The Omni-King and the Nightmare Demon

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Age: 1 Centillion Years Old

Species/Race: Unknown (theorized to be an Omni-dimensional being)

Gender: Male

Qera has been around even before the creation of all existence (including the omniverse) and he rules over the omniverse as the Omni-King. He is the 1st ever Omni-King and will always remain even when all existence is erased. He is the oldest and strongest being in all of existence (including the omniverse). As for his origins? Well, that is unknown as he existed in a time that is so FAR back in time that it's pretty unknown. That applies to his race too. All people know is that he is a being of pure energy, he created a beyond omnipotent energy called "Qvetzeul" or Omni-King State. As the Omni-King, he can very easily create or destroy the omniverse in the blink of an eye without any hassle. He is the best friend and rival to Naku. he got engaged to his girlfriend Malakai.


Age: 18,000 Years Old

Species/Race: Nightmare Demon


Naku is the Nightmare Demon and is the best friend and rival to Qera. while way younger than him, he is almost equal in combat. Naku is more cocky and arrogant then Qera which is kinda odd, who'd you think would be more cocky and arrogant, Qera: The Omni-King who can decimate the entire omniverse or Naku: the Nightmare Demon and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm? Anyway, he does show a soft side but refuses to admit it. He and Qera train together and if they were to fight in the real world aka the 3rd dimension? The natural planes of existence won't be able to handle the omniverse level destroying hits that the 2 boys can use in combat. Anway, Naku got engaged to his girlfriend Sarachi.

Qera and Naku return from training! An ominous threat arrives!

Somewhere in the omniverse.... "It can't be. That power. THIS is the energy of the Omni-King?! This is outrageous! I should have that kind of power! Not you!" says Arkon, the vengeful lord of death. Oh, I'm Qera by the way, i'm fighting Arkon and Naku? He's sitting back on this one, we fought him together but he got tired after a while so i'm fighting him. Anyway, Arkon is dashing towards me and moving at unfathomable speeds, i land 3 hits on him that should've killed him instantly but i guess not. "What just happened?!" "tsk tsk, is this all you got? Considering you're the lord of death, i was hoping you would give me a great show. But it seems i am disappointed." Qera says and the 2 combatants fight some more. "A mirage? You think that'll work on me? Fool!" Arkon tried but Qera lands a hit that shatters the omniverse like glass, sending Arkon flying back almost hitting a wall. "That Punch is a lot harder than last time, his movements are fast. The Omni-King might give me some trouble if i'm not careful!" Arkon says. The 2 combatants continue their battle as Qera continues to evolve and improve. "My turn" Qera says as he kicks Arkon and punches him to the ground, creating a huge crater below. "The Omni-King truly is capable of killing me, i have to think." Arkon says. He tries and tries again but just can't seem to land a hit on Qera because of how fast he's moving. "Dammit you worm! Stop dodging!" Qera pummels Arkon once more and he's got Arkon cornered. "Qera! You need some help dude?" Naku asks. "No thanks, Naku! I'm good!" "Dammit no! I barely have any energy left to stand!" "What's the matter? You refer to yourself as the "Lord of Death" right? But now, you're groveling at my feet. Such an act of foolishness that you're still trying to cling onto life when you already know your on death's door." "I should be victorious, not you!" "I expected more from you, Arkon. It looks like your assassination attempt on me is going to fail, miserably." i don't really know what happened after that, i think Arkon sorta blanked out on me or something? I don't really know. After an internal thinking of monologuing, Arkon stands up again on his own legs. He will not give up will he? After a while Arkon thought he had won, but Qera using his Centuri Akata Sword (the sword that cuts through dimensions) stabbed him in the chest. "That quick powerup caught me off guard, too bad you didn't manage it. See you in Hell, Arkon" Qera blasts him away in his Omni-Dragon form and Arkon (ironically, the lord of death is dead). "Alright, that solves that. Naku! Yo ok? You still need to rest?" "Nah man, i'm good. Let's head home." The 2 boys leave and head back. Qera sits on his throne, ruling over the omniverse. Once business is settled, the boys go to train and come back from it. I have a feeling that this isn't the 1st threat that the boys will encounter today. "Gehahahahah~ just you wait boys! I, Seifer, am the true ruler of the omniverse. I will kill you Qera, and then your miserable friend is next!"- nfmz nx bqnygwa bjv qzr eqvy wdnz dgiw trm (hint: use a vigenere cipher)

Qera and Naku: The Omni-King and the Nightmare DemonWhere stories live. Discover now