Ch 19: Are you my future step-father?

Start from the beginning

"Harry you didn't have to" She threw her arms around me.

"Well, it's about time you had one again"  

- A few hours later - 

Ashley's P.O.V

"I can't believe Harry got me a phone" I stood at the counter talking to my mum as she poured coffee into cups. 

"I would have if you asked Ash" She raised an eyebrow.

"I know but it's such a small town, what's the use, I can just come talk to you in person, it's not like it's that far" I laughed, my mum nodded.

"True, but for safety"

"Nothing is going to happen mum" I rolled my eyes

"You never know Ash" She paused before jumping to the next topic "So I was speaking with Tom"

"mmmmmm" I hummed, with my weight shifted onto my leg and my arms crossed.

"He wants to meet you"

"Already?" My mum nodded. 

"We will go to dinner tonight, him and his son", so we can all meet"

"What time? Because I think Harry and I have plans" Truth is, I had no idea if we did or not, I was just hoping my mum would say 'oh if you have plans don't worry about tonight' because to be honest, I wasn't ready to meet my mums boyfriend.  

"Well you're going to have to cancel, this is important to me, and to Tom" I rolled my eyes

"Fine" I raised my voice, but not with intention on doing so. My mother gave me a scolding look before she carried out the two cups of coffee's and the chocolate cake to her customer, she strolled back over to me and kissed my forehead

"We will pick you up at 6" I shrugged and nodded before exiting the coffee shop.  


My mum had picked up around 6, like we had arranged. She didn't come with Tom and with whoever the son was, we just met them at this cute little restaurant that I couldn't pronounce, something beginning with an 'L'.

"Is the son hot?" I made conversation while my mother and I sat at our rectangular table in the far corner.

"Ashley" My mum smiled and rolled her eyes, laughing.

"I at least deserve a cute step-brother, don't I?" I giggled.

"Shh, you have Harry"

"I know, his amazing" I smiled.  

I don't know if my mum was nervous, or if Tom was late. My mum kept checking her watch for the time, she usually does that when she's nervous about something, she just wants that thing she's scared for to come and then to pass, but most likely he was late. 

It's now 7pm and by the look of my mums facial expression changing from a frown to a smile and turning her head towards the door, Tom must have arrived. I followed my eyes to where she was looking, a tall man, rather slim with not much body tone was standing in the doorway. He looked over to us, smiled and waved. By the looks of things, he had dark eyes and his hair was pitch black and it was cute short, right behind him was his son, I didn't see his face until he turned that John?

- - - - 

Tom and his son, which happened to be John walked over to the table, my mother and I smiled warmly at them as they took a seat opposite us. My mother was opposite Tom and John was opposite me. 

"I see you're wearing my dress" He chuckled. 

"I didn't know you were Tom's son" I laughed back. 

"Because I never told you, but I didn't know you were Ella's daughter either, so we are even" He smiled. I nodded in agreement and turned my focus back to Tom. 

"Hey I'm Ashley" I extended my hand diagonally across the table and waited for him to shake. 

"I know, you're mum has told me so much about you" 

"She has?" I grew worried. I felt my mothers leg kick me from under the table before stating, "Only what counts" I sighed and a smile instantly reappeared on my face again. 

"You look familiar" Tom stared at me with creepy eyes. I smiled slightly and giggled. How else was I meant to react?  

The rest of the night, the four of us would talk about anything that came up. Tom had asked if I was seeing someone and of course, I said yes, when he asked me who, I said Harry from One Direction, it seemed strange to see his reaction, I had almost forgotten Harry was famous, John had already met him, but I don't think he clicked that that was who it was in the apartment. Every now and then Tom would look at me from the corner of his eye, giving me a death stare, but not obvious enough that my mum saw, I brushed it off and tried to continue the conversations I was having with John, what was his problem? Multiple times I would get up to go the bathroom to check if I had something on my face, but both times, I was clear, it was like he hated me or something.... 

We were sitting in silence waiting for desert to come when my phone started to ring for the first time. I smiled to myself and checked the caller I.D, Harry. 

"Hello?" I answered without asking permission. 

"Having fun?" 

"Not bad" I admitted. I gestured to my mum that I was going to take the call outside so I could talk to Harry more private. 

"I mean, my mum's boyfriend totally hates me" 

"Why would he hate you?" 

"I don't know he keeps giving me death stares" 

"Want me to come keep you company?" Harry chuckled. 

"Yes" Harry laughed again, but I was being serious. 

"Oh, Ash, it wouldn't be right" 

"Who caresssssss" I dragged, "They should meet you anyway" 

He happily agreed, well, not so much happily, more like, was forced, but he ended up agreeing. I hung up the phone and made my way back over to the table. 

"Harry is coming" 

My mum dropped her metal fork onto the plate and stared straight into my eyes. 

"This is a family thing" 

"They aren't my family yet mum"

"Ashley!" My mum practically shouted. I looked over to Tom who was once again, staring me down.

"I want you to meet him though" I sighed

"This is not the place nor the time" 

"Who cares" I mumbled, but not quiet enough, my mum still heard and she started giving me a lecture which I was tuned out for. Eventually, I had enough, and before Harry even arrived I stormed out of the restaurant, leaving my mum calling my name. 

- - - - - - -

AUTHORS NOTE : Hope you all liked the chapter, there is only like two chapters left :) Remember to vote and comment! How do you think it's going to end ?

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