Chapter Twelve

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~Nick POV~

"Christine Berman!" The lights turn on, and I stand there for a few minutes trying to adjust my eyes to my surroundings...

I blink a few times before realizing Miss Berman, or who I guess is her, was standing in front of me, I turn to Ziggy who's still half asleep, "I am so sorry to have intruded Miss Berman... Uh I would've knocked but-"

She cuts me off, "I'm sorry who are you?!" Her voice raised and I felt all eyes directed on me..

"I'm-" Ziggy, still being half asleep speaks for me...

"Oh you don't know that's Nick Goode KING OF SUNNYVALE... heh" A snort escaped her lips, and she yawned once more, before releasing her grip on me and stretching. Ziggy walked toward the stairs, and turned to her mom and me, "night"

Then she left to her room, but her mom quickly following after, "Oh no ma'am" I watch from downstairs as Ziggy slams the door in her mom's face...and then her mom bangs on the door while turning to face me... "I am so sorry Mr. Goode uhm?"

A nervous smile appears on her face and she tries to fix up her hair to look more presentable, "You're fine.. I uhm.. It's pretty late I should go... I don't wanna intrude..." She bites her nails and nods her head while waving goodbye to me...

But once I step outside her house, I can hear her mom let out a stressed scream... I just make my way back to my car... and step inside.

My self conscious got the better of me, I did this to them... they could all be happy but I ruined everything... I rest my head on the steering wheel of my car, letting heaps of cries spill out... Everyone would just be better off it I didn't live...


I arrive at my house... but when I open the front door I see my mom seated with her hands on her face... Small sobs coming from her... "mom?"

Her face shoots up looks directly to me, "nick..." Her eyes framed with tears, and mascara stained her cheeks... She wipes her tears, and a small frown crept onto her face, "w-where were you" Her voice stern and fierce

"its a long story..." She stand up from the table and slowly walk over to me, her face plastered with worrisome...

"Nick I'm serious what has gotten into you lately!" She solemnly grabbed a leaf from my hair and flicked on the ground...

"Nothing happened... I just tripped"

"Tripped? Ok so the hundreds of calls from nurses say you drenched one of there employees in blood, then this one kid, Lucas, reported that you jumped in front of his moving car! So tell me Nick... Does that sound like Nothing!"

"..." She scoffs at my behavior and turns me to face her...

"I know you've been stressed with the one name a year coming up, so I am not going to pester you like this... but you need to cooperate with me... What Happened"

"I-" My face looks down at my shoes and then to my mom, "I just... I wanted..." I muster up words to say, "I wanted to make things right with Ziggy..."

"Ziggy? Who the h*ll is Ziggy?!" I explain mostly everything that happened but how it was all my fault in the sense... She looks at me, and goes to the house phone and begins to dial something... She turns to me, "Last name?"

"Berman..." She ushers me to leave and I feel like a total douche... Oh sh*t, is she really doing this... I run upstairs and can hear a bit of her conversation...

"Hello Miss Berman it's Miss Goode... Yes I'd like to talk with you on something that happened recently..." guess you can always trust your parents know what's best... right?

A/N: Hey guys if I have any grammar mistake please tell me so that I can fix them, and Uh I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH BYE

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