Chapter 1: The Storm

Start from the beginning

Ms. Sline skimmed through her things before waving us goodbye.

"You two go on ahead. Make sure you enter your classes safely okay? I'll check the office first."

Cleonne and I waved at her and walked on the first floor of the Science Building. There, we entered our room and took our seats. The class is nearly filled with students. Friends keep on talking to each other with the stories they had yesterday.

I brought out my notes and gave it to Cleonne beside me. "Thanks, buddy! I'll be sure to bring it back before class starts."

Hmm, he never changes. I do wish he develop his study habits, but something feels satisfying whenever he asks for my help. It always feels good whenever I am needed.

Classes are yet to start, so I stood up and scanned the books from the bookshelves at the back of the room. It ranged from topics on History of Science, 65 Inventions on Societal Development, How To Create A Working Program, and more on. There was just this one book that I failed to recognize. It is colored in yellow and red, whereas the others in brown. It stood there in plain sight, how has anyone failed to notice this? I held it in my hand, and read the title. It is written in unfamiliar characters, maybe something that looks like Greek or Latin words? This is very strange. Somehow, I can't get the feeling right. My brain recognizes these as familiar words. In one blink of an eye,

F**C*IO* O* **AP*N *AS**R*

I lost my grip and the book fell out of my hands. Cleonne was shocked. "Oi, Zack! Are you okay?! What happened?" I can't tell Cleonne. He won't understand. The letters changed right in front of my eyes. It is as if the book was not a book, that it was a device.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine Cleonne, don't worry." I weakly replied.

"I was worried. You were just standing out there flat for a few minutes! What are you doing?"

Huh? Was I? I wasn't daydreaming about what happened, I know I did it for real.

I went to my seat and took a deep breath. The book wasn't there. It's not on the floor, not even at the shelf. Maybe someone took it? But I'll notice it if someone picked it up. Should I tell it to Cleonne then?

A few hours have passed by, and it was time for lunch. The whole time, I was thinking about what happened. Cleonne looked by as he was taking out his wallet. He asked if I was okay as I look pale. Possibly, I was thinking too much. Still, I feel lazy leaving the room.

"Cleonne, can you get me a lunch? I'll pay you.", to which he replied, "No worries, buddy. I'll be back soon."

He then left out of the room. Out of boredom, I fell asleep.


They're coming...

You have to run...

I woke up from an obvious dream. I heard a feminine voice, and it felt so real. I stretched and lifted my seat beside the window. I gazed upon the view outside the room.

Feeling that it might be another trick of my eyes, I saw an orb slowly floating above the blue sky. It is as clear as a crystal, but with slight edges from all of its sides. Suddenly, a blinding light flashed in front of my eyes. I had to close them, and when I opened it, all I can see is an afterimage printed, hovering at my sense of sight.

Sharp sounds of glasses breaking disturbed me, together with the varied screams of the people. It is a battlefield out there. Something must have exploded. It must be that stupid orb.

It took me a few minutes to see so well again. I have to go to the cafeteria. Cleonne is there. Ms. Sline must be there as well. She usually buys her lunch because she doesn't know how to cook.

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