"Truth? Which truth Nanu?" Naina asked.

"The truth which my idiot grandson would have told you, but now I can't hold" Naina's forehead got tensed and she was waiting for yet another shock thinking what it could be..

"But I can't ruin his plans, I will tell you the way he planned" Naina was getting impatient.

"What is it Nanu, please tell"

"Okay so go to his room and open his cupboard, take out his clothes hanging there and you will know the truth!" Naina was more confused, why would she open his cupboard?

"But Nanu, he told me once I can't open that cupboard" she said.

"Which is why beta, he is an IDIOT!" Nanu said annoyingly. "You go, and see, he has kept something for you and you might find it unbelievable, but that is your truth" Naina hesitated to move forward, he heart started beating faster.

"Ok Nanu" she said reluctantly and headed towards his room saying Nanu to take rest. 

As she ascended the stairs, she thought of all the truths she got to know in past. From a dream girl in Sameer's life to Ruchika being his real dream girl. She couldn't even imagine now, what was there waiting for her.

As she reached the room and opened it, she saw that the arrangements of room were never changed. Naina's things which Ramdhari didn't bring downstairs were kept as it is. She found her hair clips on the dressing table, he stole about which she forgot was still hanging beside it. She saw the unicorn plush soft toy which Sameer gifted her lying beside the bed and unicorn diary as well. 

She stopped there, she knew her diary was downstairs so how the diary is in Sameer's room?

She immediately took it and flipped the pages when she realized it was not her handwriting, it might be Sameer's she guessed. While she was going to keep the diary back, she saw her name. 

"Naina.." she read more. 

"Today I saw you sleeping and also crying, when I reached out to look for Nanu and make drawing in your diary" 

"Drawing? Sameer??" Naina realized. 

"A tear drop was on your face, which I can't resist but wiped. My heart aches when you cry Naina, I want to tell you this but I am helpless. Now Nanu is also not with me I am alone totally!"

Naina felt tears in her eyes while reading this. She quickly turned back to first page of diary. 

"So, Naina, as you write things in your diary, I will write too but in a different way. I will write things which I can't say to you and someday when I could show this to you, you will know, how much I.... this I'll say it directly not here!"

Naina read all of this and failed to figure out anything, she flipped more pages of diary and all she could find was "Naina... Naina... Naina..." 

She held her head and closed the diary, she thought she would first go and do what Nanu said. 

Naina quickly opened his cupboard and for the first time she saw, how neatly and perfectly Sameer had arranged his clothes. She hated this when Sameer, despite of giving her all the pains always end up impressing her unknowingly. She smiled and started removing the clothes hanging over there and kept it with care so that no crease is formed. 

She didn't notice and kept her eye on clothes to keep it nicely. When all his shirts were out and when she turned to the other side, she could see nothing but herself. 

Yes! it was Naina's painting which Sameer painted a day before meeting Naina. 

She had no control on her heart, her hand started shivering, a hot sensation passed through her body. She indeed couldn't believe what she was looking at. Gaining some courage, she walked and took that big painting out which shaking hands and made her place on the bed to sit.

"Am I this beautiful?" said Naina, she was mesmerized to see herself in the painting that too beautiful than ever. She never thought of herself that way and no one else was there for her to make her realize her beauty. 

She explored the whole painting bit by bit and then her eyes stopped at the word written over there

"Dream Girl"

She burst out with tears of some undefinable feelings and looked at the painting again and again. 


I know this is a bit short chapter... But I thought to make this chapter only for Naina and her getting to know about the truth!

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Next part will be posted on or before 5th October..

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