Let the Match begin

Start from the beginning

At the battlefield

Julius:what do you think what will happen

Yami:I was about to predict the outcome of the battle when the four leaf mage battled with him but this time I am too unsure of it

Mereleona: don't think just because you are a kid I am gonna go easy on you

Asta:I don't expect you to hold back either,I need to know the difference between my current self and the future one who is ought to become the wizard king

Mereleona(thinking in his mind):If he is able to survive 10%of my power I will let him pass the test he surely will be a talented mage to pull off such a feat well then let's begin this shall we
In Asta's mind

Liebe:Asta you are not gonna use your antimagic in this fight

Asta:but why,for you only I was able to come this far if you leave me now I won't even have a shot

Liebe:that's the problem,you are a lot stronger than you think you are you need to realise your worth people know you as the anti magic knight which is my power I want them to know what's your power show them what you are capable of

Asta:My brain still lacks the capacity to process that much but I get a gist of what you are trying to say so let's give it all I have got

Liebe just smirked

Mereleona charged at Asta with her hand covered in flame that was only 10%of her power yet that much power shook the whole ground leaving a crater Asta lifted his arm and blocked the blow the smoke cleared everyone was hoping to see Asta alive but what they saw was an unscratched Asta blocking her blow

Mereleona:what that's impossible he is just a kid,oh well I can't care less about let's toughen things up by a little bit shall we

Asta:here comes the hard part

Mereleona rushed in towards Asta and suddenly appeared behind him and threw fire balls Asta deflected as soon as he did that the deflected balls grew larger in size and Formed a large ball almost the size of a mini meteor the heat radiating from it was utterly shocking The Wizard king thought that he must stop this fight but Yami gave him a comforting smile and calmed him

The meteor shot towards Asta he punched and broke through it the shockwaves pushed Mereleona and she got hit against a wall now she started to take things seriously it was now Mereleona using 70%of her power she floated using manazone and created multiple of those meteoric fire balls and shot all at once at Asta but Asta just punched the thin air moments after the air got directed towards the meteor and destroyed them at blinding speed Mereleona was shocked she had thousands of questions running around her mind not only she but all of the spectators too had the same

But now what they must focus was on the fight

Mereleona now started to think that she could actually lose the fight hence it was time for her to use her 100%

The ground began to shake lava started to erupt and started covering Mereleona as if she was becoming Mana herself

Asta lost proper footing as a result he fell under the lava

Liebe made sure to coat his clothes with anti-magic so that they didn't get burn but he give no protection to his body,Asta swam under the lava and appeared right behind Mereleona her mana now took the shape of a lion,the meteor like fireballs except that they were a lot bigger this time surrounded that intimidating stance of hers the lion opened its mouth and a sphere of concentrated mana appeared

Mereleona:Manazone the Lion rush Final blow

They charged at Asta but all Asta did was tightening his own grip preparing for a punch

Mereleona: huh?you think you can stop me now with just that punch I know you use anti magic use your full power you dare look down on me,it's your biggest mistake now meet your death

Asta's punch and the concentrated mana sphere of the lion collided with each other soon after the shape of lion started to disperse it started fading towards the direction of air the shockwave was so huge that it pierced deeply miles through the ground and Mereleona was seen unconscious and bruised against a wall...

Author's note:Hope you liked the chapter, the next will be the after math of this fight I know I included something which is not cannon but I wanted to experiment let me know your opinions regarding it please and as always please leave by some tips to improve my writing thank you so much for reading.

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