Chapter 1- Twinies

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Hey y'all! So sorry chapter two came so late. I'm on vacation this weekend so hopefully I'll be able to update with having a break from school. Thank you for your support so far and I'm so excited to continue this story!


"Ow! Wank biscuits!" I groaned, then sucking on my thumb, where I stabbed it was a needle.

The thing with making baby clothing is that it's so small, compared to doing full length dresses on a women. I was finding it hard to work as quickly with the little articles of clothing believe it or not, not to mention I've been exhausted from this pregnancy enough.

"You will have to hold your tongue when the little ones arrive."

I turned my head towards the entrance of my studio/quarters for the time being, and saw my aunt smiling at me.

"These tiny things are so bothersome to make." I said throwing the blue colored onesie on top of a pile I had created.

My aunt chuckled
"It seems your getting along just fine making them. How are you feeling?"

I stopped what I was doing and turned to her as she made her way in.

"I'm ready to have them out of me. But are you sure everything is ok? I've haven't gotten any bigger throughout the pregnancy."

"I assure you it's normal. Your mother didn't either, it's because of the magic gifted to you. It's suppose to keep you in peek condition even in pregnancy."

I snorted amused by this
"Well I wish I would stop the cramps and the morning sickness and not to mention the cravings."

She laughed
"Even goddess like magic has its flaws dear. But that's also not exactly what I meant in asking if you were feeling ok."

I looked away from her, the smile being wiped from my face.
"I suppose you found out I tried to visit him again."
She sat down on the small bed we have dragged into the room so I could sleep on.

"Yes and I assume nothing came on it."

I felt my eyes burning and wiped them quickly trying to force the tears back.

"As usual no. At first he was just very sad, then became angry as I tried to talk about other things then the business he usually brings up."

I finally turn to her
"Auntie... I'm about to give birth to two children. And for the whole length I've been alone... I... I don't want to be alone when they are born. But I fear Tarrant will never be the man I fell in love with."

I felt the tears finally spill over as I sniffled and tried to push the worries down.

"I can't blame him however." I continued "If I even for a moment thought my parents were alive... I'd do anything to bring them back. But I wouldn't do this to him... I wouldn't shut him out and turn my back on the family I have already created here. It's just... it's selfish."

After my rant I felt a kick and my stomach and groaned in pain. Maybe that was the way in telling me to shut up.

"My dear you have every right to feel this way, and shouldn't try to justify the actions. But you should know having grown up with the hatter... he himself has gone through troubles that run deeper then you know. I truly believe this endless hunt is circled around guilt."

"Then I wish he would tell me. Sit me down and tell me why this amount of guilt and uncertainty has turn him into... this."

I stood up very suddenly letting my anger for the situation get the best of me and turned my back on my aunt.

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