Chapter 1: Waiting

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I wake up and get ready for the day. Jordan is not yet in my head. I eat breakfast and comb my hair, it's good that Jordan told me to go to the house, it was freezing last night.
When I'm finally ready I wait for Jordan to come back. I would talk to Timebomb but I don't want to be in a conversation when Jordan comes.
While I wait I stare at the pictures on my dresser, the first is of my father. I miss him so much, why did he have to die? Water starts to fill my eyes. Then I look at the second picture of Timebomb, Quasar, and Sarah. Sarah was sick last time I saw her. She begged us to go on to finish the journey to New Vegas. So we did. Hey! We had to don't blame me. But since she said she would catch up if she was feeling better, I believe her to be dead. Quasar, well we lost him we don't know where he when but I'm sure he's ok where ever he is, but I still miss him.
Now I'm crying for real, but I have to make sure I'm quite. I don't want Timebomb or Veronica to here me. Then I hear a familiar voice that scares me so much I fall out of my seat. The voice says much to loudly, "Gleetings Fellow Adventures!"

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