[ILWARS contest] Never Ending Dance

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This is a one-shot for InLoveWithARockstar's contest. It is my ending to her story Wide Awake. Hope you like it and it is enjoyed by the original author herself!

Hope you like it!


I felt like I was in a dream. Just like the ones I had of my past during my time as Jayden. Full of life, so real but not quite believable.

I sifted through my monstrous closet, that in my new girly regeneration had grown immensely. The Doctor didn't really seem to mind though. He said that he liked the new me, and if it was good enough for him, it was good enough for me.

Finally I found it. The deep, sapphire blue dress that I had planned to wear so many years ago. The brilliant lights in my new TARDIS interior reflected nicely on the sheer fabric and made the belt of intertwined, preserved, Galifreyan leaves burst into flames (not literally of course, but beautiful all the same).

Even with my new body it still fit me like a glove. I couldn't help but be excited. I giggled. Yes, I giggled, the new me does that.

My dream that I had carried for hundreds of years was being realized.

After a year of whirlwind love the Doctor had proposed. He dropped the ring and almost started a war.

It was romantic.

I stepped out into the Galifreyan air. I had to take a couple seconds to catch my breath not expecting the change in atmosphere.

Music began, a rock version of Earth's "here comes the bride". I walked slowly towards my love. The dress flowing in the breeze, my best friend waiting for me and my old companion watching. The Doctor had brought a couple of his old friends too. They looked equally as joyful.

A hologram of the Timelord version of a priest spoke in the old language. I knew that Gretchen couldn't understand but she didn't seem to care.

The Doctor and I smiled at how he spoke so monotonously trying to hold in the laughter. We sobered up enough to deliver the vows.

"I promise that as long as I have one breath left it will be for you," I read my variation on typical Timelord vows: saying in your way that you are theirs.

"I promise that every regeneration, as it comes, will be for you," The Doctor smirked, reading his. He leaned in and whispered my name to finish.

I didn't mind. The way he said it, it sounded beautiful, it gave me a new perspective on my title.

We both declared that "we do" and our eyes locked.

"Are you ready to dance like there's no one else in the world?" I asked quietly.


We kissed. It felt like it lasted nine lifetimes and was filled with passion, the passion of silly stupid love, one that we shared.

That's when I woke up. For real, the dream haze melting away. It was then that I knew.

Our dance would never end.


Thank you for reading. I hope that it made you smile. Thanks!

[ILWARS contest] Never Ending DanceWhere stories live. Discover now