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    Shen Xin glanced at the person's ID-a bowl of dog eggs.

    Shen Xin: "..."

    The nickname of the website can be entered by yourself or randomly generated, just like the name of a game. This name is mostly generated by the website itself.

    She took a deep breath, didn't look at the phone anymore, and concentrated on eating what was on the plate.

    After breakfast, all members except Liang Qianqian and Chen Peng assembled on the bus. Shen Xin looked around in the car, still wondering who made the complaint.

    The person who complained to her would not jump out on her own, and she couldn’t really ask. She could only adjust her mentality as soon as possible. She smiled and said to the male and female guests in the car: "Liang Qianqian and Chen Peng have to take off because of temporary problems Two days of the tour. Here I still want to tell you that if you choose to go with a tour group, you can’t leave the tour at will. If you have any unexpected situations in the subsequent itinerary, please be sure to tell me first, don’t say a word does not ring to left. I am not so unreasonable people, right. Since I was everyone's guide, on the outside I have to be responsible for everyone's safety, I also hope that we can work with. "

    members of their When they heard Liang Qianqian and Chen Peng leaving the group, they started talking in a low voice. Although Shen Xin spoke euphemistically, everyone knew what was going on.

    "Don't worry, tour guide Shen, we will definitely cooperate with your work."

    "Yes, definitely cooperate."

    "Thank you for your understanding, then let's set off."

    Today the itinerary is still by the sea, M Island is surrounded by the sea, everywhere The sea views are all different and beautiful. M Island mainly relies on tourism to make a living. In addition to tourists from all over the world, many photography enthusiasts will choose here.

    The place I visited today has been photographed by many photographers, and it is also a classic attraction printed on many postcards. Yesterday everyone played in the water for a day, and today’s highlight was taking pictures. Xu Bo said in his introduction that he has a lot of hobbies, which is true. Today, Xu Bo, who brought a SLR to the scene and took a blockbuster photo, has become the most popular male guest.

    "Mr. Xu, can you take a photo for both of us? It's in this scene." Qin Yin and Du Xinyu also found him and asked him to take the photo.

    "Okay, no problem." Xu Bo used his own SLR, looking very professional to help them take a few pictures. After the shooting, Qin Yin and Du Xinyu watched them, and they were full of praise for his technique: "Mr. Xu, you really did a good shot. This looks like what I saw on the postcard!"

    Xu Bo smiled: "As long as you like it, I will check it back on the computer and pass it to you."

    "Okay, thank you Mr. Xu."

    Shen Xin stood aside and looked at them, her figure inexplicably lonely. Yesterday, everyone asked her to take pictures. Today, she is completely unemployed.

    No one asked her to help take pictures, not one.

    Since everyone knows that Xu Bo has the ability to take pictures, Xu Bo has become a professional photographer in the group for the next trip. Originally, Shen Xin was worried that he would be unwilling to trouble him so much, but after chatting with him once, he found that he was quite willing to take pictures for everyone, and Shen Xin didn't care about it anymore.

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