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Yibo wondered when did he become this clumsy as he sat straight on the bed looking down at Zhan. He brought his hand on Zhan's cheek and caressed it softly, Zhan's lips part slightly when his cheek came into contact with Yibo's palm but he smiled at him weakly nonetheless.

"Of course I missed you too. So damn much." Yibo confessed making Zhan blush hard,he is not used to this new yet. Yibo rubbed his nose on Zhan's softly looking straight into his eyes. Zhan tried to fight back a smile but couldn't.

"When did you become such a flirt! Stop teasing me." Zhan countered but coughed suddenly as his throat felt so dry just speaking those words. This alerted Yibo as he straight away went to get some water for Zhan.

"Hng..." Zhan groaned in pain as Yibo helped him to adjust his position.

"Sorry take it ease you haven't recovered fully yet." Yibo sat behind him and made him lay on his chest as helped him drink the water, cleaning his lips afterwards.

"My kids?" Zhan turned around slowly to Yibo though still in a sleeping position.

"They are sleeping but I will take you see them." Yibo put the cup on the table.

"But I can't walk." Zhan pouted but Yibo just stood up and carried him bridal style gently so as he doesn't feel any discomfort.

Zhan's eyes became glossy as he looked at his children who were sleeping, Yibo sat down near the children with Zhan still in his arms.

"They are so cute." Zhan cooed as one of the children placed a finger in his mouth while sleeping.

"You did a great job my love." Yibo pecked on his cheeks.

"Really!?" Zhan exclaimed looking back at Yibo's face.

"Hmmm,you are so strong and am so proud of you. Thank you." Zhan saw the sincerity in his words making him nod his head slightly before turning back to glance at his sleeping babies.

"We should go back so you can rest more." Yibo stood up and went to their side of the chambers placing him back on the bed. He rubbed his hair slowly until he dozed off again.

"My dear how are you feeling now?" Her royal Highness asked as he carried two of the children whereas Zhan carried the other two. She had come to visit him after two weeks since he wokeup.

"Am feeling fine now mother, the herbs the doctor prescribed are working. I can even now walk on my own for a while." He answered looking down at children, he was allowed to carry them for only a while as they don't want him to be so exhausted. "The doctor even said after another two weeks I can go back to my routine." He added reassuring her.

"Am sorry I didn't visit sooner." She rocked the children in her arms.

"Its okay mother you should take proper care of yourself!!When am better then I can look after you again." Her royal Highness shook her head on his words.

"You have a lot of responsibilities now and I have my personal maid to look after me so concentrate on my grandchildren. And when are you going to name the children?" She put the kids down on the soft cushions.

"Soon mother I actually haven't thought of any names I will talk to Yibo about it." The children hadn't been given other names except the sir name which is the obvious. 

"Okay the naming ceremony will also be conducted when you fully recover so don't pressure yourself on that." She helped to take the kids from his hands."I will get going now its almost time for my medicine. "She excused herself.

" Ok mother take care and don't exhaust yourself to much. "She waved at him not to worry about her as she made her way out with her personal maid. Zhan looked back at the children and started playing with their little fingers as he waited for Yibo.

Yubin hurriedly walked into the chambers to find Chandha helping Zhan to change the children.

"Your Highness consort Su is here to you." He announced gaining the attention of the two who looked at each other.

"Let her in." He said making Chandha frown.

"Why would you let her in?" She scowled folding her arms on her chest. She knows that woman is nothing but trouble,they hadn't seen face to face for over four months now what brings her here.

"Greetings your Highness." She bowed politely when she reached inside, she looked at the children on the bed but her expression remained mutual. Zhan just nodded his head.

"Am sorry for not coming to visit sooner."

"Its okay." Zhan stated."is that all?"

"I also came to see my daughter." Zhan nodded got the child and placed her in her hands. The child looked at the person who was carrying as if not recognizing the person. She started wriggle before small whimpers left her mouth until she finally cried.

"Shhh baby its me your mother." She rocked the child but she wasn't stopping.

"Carry her on your shoulder like this, there see.." Zhan helped her out and the child finally did stop crying. She felt mad inside on why even her child listens to Zhan but not her,she felt betrayed. Dramatic! Right? What did she expect when he was the one taking care of her since she was younger.

Yibo stood outside in the garden of their chambers staring at the sky quietly. He had put the two children to bed and Zhan was inside also trying to make the other two rest. Lost in his thoughts a hand snaked around his waist from behind, he smiled as he already knew who it was.

"Why are you outside?" Zhan questioned resting his head on Yibo's back, but he was pulled infront of Yibo and back hugged. He didn't struggle just rested his head on the others chest entwining the fingers with the one on his slim waist.

"What is this?" He questioned when Yibo made him wear a small jade bracelet.

"I made it for you myself. Don't you like it if so then I can make a better one." He tried removing it but Zhan pulled his hand back turning to face Yibo still in his embrace.

"I love it. Its beautiful thank you." Zhan replied sincerely wrapping his hands around Yibo's neck.

"Its ok! I made it with the finest jade pieces I could get and you are the only one who has it. I made it thinking about you so whenever you see it and am not around it will remind you of me. Also*awkwardly clears his throat*whenever you see it you should know it doesn't matter how much time will pass you will always be the person I love the most." Yibo cringed at his words internally but looking at Zhan who was smiling brightly he also smiled.

"I love you so much." Zhan pulled Yibo's head down and kissed his lips. With just one hand Yibo carried Zhan on his waist not breaking the kiss.

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