Two Sides

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My great friend is writing a book and you should read her book! Her is so much better than what I will ever write if I would to write a real book with a plot which I did and totally failed at. Below is how to get to her book and her book description!


Or you can read the whole chapter page thing, and then go to her book

Description: In the near future, the human race has been forced to quarantine an entire country after the Known Virus, also known as the K-Virus, spread throughout their lands, killing thousands and mutating hundreds.

The Penance, the supreme government of the world, have imprisoned them all in specially designed jail cells, more than 300 million innocent citizens. Every time the virus emerges from within a person, the Penance soldiers haul them away, never to be seen again.

Now, Audra, herself a victim of the K-Virus outbreak, has begun the show symptoms. The Penance come, and Audra finds herself in a new world, and realizes what really happens beyond the cell doors...

Now back to the poem...

No one can see the girl whose nightmares keep her up at night

All anyone sees is a normal school girl

No one can see the boy who hates his body

All anyone sees is a confident boy with a perfect body

No one can see the girl who beat herself up over everything she does

All anyone sees is a smart girl that never does anything wrong

No one can see the boy who would rather paint than play football

All anyone sees is a jock with no brain

No one can see the girl filled with pain

All anyone sees is a girl brimming with happiness

No can see the girl worrying if anyone likes her

All anyone sees is a girl who is simply perfect

If no one can see those things

Then what can we see?

Well people I will try to update next Saturday, so look out for an update! If I don't update, I give you guys permission to internet slap me!






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