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Chief Virana: Ok namaari we are almost there just wait

*Carriage stops*

Cheif Virana: What is going on!

Chief Virana: Someone or a force is stopping us to get through

Unknown: Someone! How rude let me introduce myself

Unknown: My name is Stain and I'm going to kill you all!


*Every body except Virana and Namaari stands frozen*

Cheif Virana: Haha don't make me laugh you kill us and even if it was true what makes you think you can kill us like we have the strongest warriors in kumandra

Stain: Ha yes you do but I guess they weren't that strong

*Shows her nocked out soldiers*

Cheif Virana: What!

Stain: Yes I defeated them with just one punch on there faces

Cheif Virana: But that's i-impossible! It can't be true

Stain: Well believe it or not your soldiers plus your people are all unconscious and you know what since you are one of them I think  maybe it's your time to get knocked out

Cheif Virana: What!

Stain: Bye bye cHEiF VIraNA

At heart

Raya: Oh no why am I worrying about namaari do I really love her wait of course I do well because I did go on about how I love her but probably it's just a friendly love I'm feel or maybe I'm just fooling myself Ugh!

Cheif Benja: Umm hello Dew drop what you thinking or I mean talking about?

Raya: I'm talking about namaari!

Cheif Benja: Oh well that came out swift-ly

*Raya sits down*
Raya: Ugh

Cheif Benja: Hey whats wrong
*Sits down beside her*

Raya: Well I've been thinking about someone like that one person who you're always thinking about that one person who you dream about that one person that is in your dream you just want them to feel your- you know what let me not tell you about that

A/N Hmm I wonder what raya dreams about😏 If you know what I mean😉

Raya: But that one person who makes you feel safe

Chief Benja: Well I don't know how you feel but umm I t-think what your feeling is Go- good

Raya: Yeah maybe it is good but what is this feeling?

Chief Benja: Well umm if you want to here my suggestion I think it's falling inlove or love

Raya: Well ba I think it's more than just love

Cheif Benja: Umm what's more than love? Wait why am I asking this question? Wait why are we talking about this thing!?

Raya: I don't know

Cheif Benja: Well raya I'm bored you want to do something fun!

Raya: Like what?

Cheif Benja: Like the jolly board

Raya: The jolly board but it's not even Giáng sinh yet

A/N For those who are wondering what Giáng sinh means it means Christmas in Vietnamese and no there's not a game called the jolly board in Vietnamese I just made it up also I think raya is from Vietnamese based on what google said so that's why I said Christmas in Vietnamese language anyways back to the story

Cheif Benja: So what we still can play it

Raya: But it's Breaking Tradition

Cheif Benja: Oh raya that's a stupid thing that someone in our passed history made we are in the future there always time to change something

Raya: Fine but I hope they don't write that In the past Princess raya of heart broke the jolly board tradition in year 2021

Cheif Benja: Ha they won't let's go

Raya: Ok fine

Raya mind: I hope they're alright I hope she's alright

At fang

*Stain throws his fist in Cheif Virana direction*

*Virana block's the attack*

Stain: No!

*Throws another punch in Cheif Virana direction*

*Cheif Virana block's the attack*

Cheif Virana: Stop this stain

Stain: No never!

General Atitaya: Wait why are we just standing here let's help her

Soldiers: Right

General Atitaya: Go!

Namaari pov
General Atitaya and the soldiers began to fight this guy named stain but to no success they fail to defeat him he killed all of the soldiers Right before my eyes blood all around I knew it was our time to die (General Atitaya, Chief Virana and Namaari) but luckily The stain guy decided to spare My mother, General Atitaya and my life because he wanted us to deliver a message to kumandra and tell them that he is coming for them. My mother , general Atitaya and I went on three horse's that was near by and rode it and we traveled to go to heart

Ok thanks for reading my story also sorry for the long wait like six days have past and I didn't post anything but I hope you enjoyed bye!

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