
I turned to glare at Kimberly who was giving me the look of "please" and then looked back at him, surprised to find his face a mere inches from mine. I was actively aware of his arms around me and I was also aware of the amusement that was shining on his face.

"I guess I don't have a choice do I" I managed to say that in my normal voice and his eyebrows went up by a fraction. Well yes I can talk.

He let go of me and captured my hand delicately and led me towards the dance floor. The people were still standing in their previous positions, the pathway open for us to cross.

I felt as if I was actually in 1800s now. Going to dance with the prince.

We came in the middle of the floor and the song started to play. It was...a waltz song. Wtf?

"Do you know how to waltz?" He asked me as he snaked one hand around my waist, the other one still holding my hand.
The crowd behind him also had changed. No longer were there drunk people but actual sober people who were.....waltzing or slowly swaying.

"Are you kidding me? Just tell me if you are a prince or a vampire that has been living for two centuries" I blurted and then closed my mouth. What the hell?

He looked shocked for a moment and then laughed. He looked devastatingly gorgeous like a villain.

"Your aura of ridiculousness is so amusing I can't" he smiled as he started dancing slowly, making me move with him. I involuntarily placed my hand on his shoulder as he began leading me into a series of steps which I was copying smoothly. Well I guess those primary school waltz lessons were not useless after all.

"You still didn't answer my question" I said, giving him a pointy glare as he lightly spinned me.

"Well kitten, no I am not a prince or a Vampire. I am flattered though that I give such a vibe. I just like to dance to slow music" he told me, flashing me a smile.

"Kitten?" That was the only thing I focused on. It made something move in me.

"Well you looked like cat. Looking regal and reserved as you were assessing the environment with an your bored, intense eyes. That's exactly like how cats are." he told me and he actually looked very serious when he was telling me all that.
It was kind of cute.

"You sure know alot about cats" I said as we glided across the floor.

"They are my favorite thing on this planet" he told me pulling me closer as our dance came to the climax.

"Why me?" I asked, breathless as I stared up at him.

He looked down at me and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. His finger slowly sliding down my ear as he looked at my flushed face. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"Because I wanted the chaos to thaw. And to do that one needs peace. And when I looked at you, you were the peace" he whispered, his face close to mine.

"You were practically standing out there" he continued. "Lets just say you were the prettiest girl I have seen in a while." He said as he let go of me and we were now three feet apart. My whole body was vibrating at the sound of his words. We looked at each other for several seconds, none of us moving, until he threw me his classical smirk, breaking whatever it was in the air just a few seconds ago.

"Why are you so shocked? Surely you must have been complimented by many guys" he said brushing of the topic. He looked a bit uncomfortable now or that could just be my imagination.

I gulped, averting my gaze.

"Wait here while I go get us some drinks. Oh and by the way, nice dress kitten." he said as he turned and melted into the crowd.

Kitten || Ateez Seonghwa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now