Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

In the past few months you had felt something was off with Lelouch, he seemed to distance himself, his mind busy with something monumental that it drained him some days. Though in the beginning, you assumed that to be due to the negative news reports that were happening involving a revolution of sorts. After a while though, suspicions rose from things that..connected almost too often to be coincidental, you weren't sure yet, or at least the thought of being sure worried you. For if you were right..what would happen to you? To Lelouch and Nunnally? To your relationship with them? Only time would tell if your brashness in the search of knowledge would happen, and what answer you'd receive...

Tea was brought out as you and Nunnally talked about anything the girl had on her mind, the company seemed to be something she relished in and you wouldn't deny her of that joy. Even if sometimes you didn't have a clue exactly what she was talking about, that didn't mean you couldn't be interested and ask her to tell you more. After a bit a warm meal was brought out, the scent was tantalizing and if your expression didn't read of hunger, your stomach made sure it was known. The soft gargle of desire to eat came, having you tense with embarrassment, but if no one else noticed it, there was no point to mention it. Lelouch taking a seat across from you to eat the meal and talk about anything and everything. Was this the moment to question him perhaps? No, Nunnally was couldn't just ask about the revolution news in front of her, she didn't need that right now. Nor did it seem Lelouch would want her to know too much about the dark side of humanity.

"After lunch, would you like to take a walk through the courtyard after school? You look like something is on your mind..," glancing up your heart froze for a moment, Lelouch's expression read as if he was analyzing you. Were you mumbling about something, was he onto you about your suspicions even if you couldn't think of a reason of him knowing? Yet there it was, your chance to ask questions, "sure, though I'm just frazzled with everything right now, ya know?" Lelouch nodded to your response, yet something in your gut said you were in trouble now, for something.

The day went on quietly, your mind scurrying as if paranoia was building, you were being so careful with everything happening, and now you could be crumbling. The revolution made you anxious, yet to you, it was necessary almost, something was wrong with the way people were being treated. With the media keeping people in a golden cage as well, there was no doubt the governments were hiding something, stories like that were all over in the books you read, and with the blissful ignorance of everyone else, you were sure it was true. Something happened to those people, though you wouldn't call them what others would, no. You were all people, not numbers, not some silly word; you were all Human.

So in secrecy, you worked to find out anything you could about the events all while they happened, as cautiously as you could as well. Being caught by the wrong person was not an option, thus the dread of Lelouch's gaze had you bubbling with terror. Part of you just feared him trying to get you comfortable to spill..and then reporting your activities, the other half of you though. Felt he was in on the events too, and not just that; he played a big part in it surely. The disappearances, the way he grew to appear more out of it, the way the revolution's leader spoke and sounded? Your gut was sure, though logic held you from jumping to it all.

Taking a step out into the courtyard felt like you were drawing a ball and chain on each foot, how would this happen? Should you have said you're sorry to someone? Anxious thoughts bubbled and ran rampant, trying to gather yourself was a struggle you thought you had been ready to deal with..but that was with friends and authority figures.. Not Lelouch, who approached behind you as if merely mentioning him in your mind summoned him.

"Jeez, you look like you've seen a ghost," he spoke casually, glancing at you, "ah..perhaps I have, never know.." The way you spoke had him pause, "what's wrong? You've been off for weeks now..I know we don't talk daily, but..I can tell somethings got you..up and arms." You tensed, looking at him as your paranoia lessened, but the suspicion never wavered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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