An unexpected return

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Several weeks had passed since the moment Wanda had left the small city of Westview to isolate herself in a refuge hidden between the alaskan mountains.
Every morning since then she used to sit on the small house's porch - completely made of wood - drinking a cup of tea and scanning the landscape that surrounded her.
Her eyes could see nothing but a huge semi-frozen lake, evergreen trees and, maybe, a little higher, some fragments of the sky that was mainly grey, because the morning light tended to remain hidden behind the plants.

But that morning Wanda stayed in bed longer than usual. The pain caused by the loss of her soulmate had grown stronger: a burden rested on Wanda's chest and tears fell out of her green eyes, wetting her cheeks.
In her mind she replayed several times the moment when Vision disappeared in front of her as well as the words they had both said:
"We've said goodbye before, so it stands to reason..."
"We'll say hello again" she didn't fully believe in what she had said.
Wanda wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and she started taking deep breaths in order to calm down. Then she sat on the bed, she moved the sheets aside and put her feet down on the floor.

In her bare bedroom - this too completely made of wood - she thoughtfully looked around until she laid eyes on the part of herself that she had separated from her through a splitting spell. That was the "Scarlet Witch" who, undeterred, had been studying the Dark Hold for days - a book about chaos magic that Wanda had "borrowed" from Agatha Harkness in order to become more powerful and in order to control her magic more easily.
Wanda approached her double - who didn't pay minimum attention to her so that it didn't have to move her gaze away from the book - and, holding out her arm towards it, she reabsorbed it in herself so that they went back to being one individual.
The Dark Hold fell down on the floor, opened on the page the witch had been reading. Wanda crouched to pick it up, then she took care of it by hiding it in a small locker carved into the wall behind the table she had in her bedroom: she could not allow for it to be found or taken away by somebody.

The weight that Wanda had felt on her chest when she had just woken up, descended: she felt her stomach contracting and her eyes filled with tears again. In order to get distracted from her feelings, she decided to go out for a walk and to explore that part of the forest - which surrounded her tiny wood house - she had not visited yet.
With a gesture of her hand she magically changed her pajamas into warm clothes to protect herself from the winter cold and she walked out of the refuge letting the door close behind her back.
Wanda walked - for a short while - down a steep pathway until she reached the frozen-lake's shore: walking above that would have been dangerous because the ice layer that had formed on the water was too thin. Besides, even if the ice had been thicker, reaching the opposite shore - where the side of the forest unknown to Wanda, rose - would have taken her too much time. So, turning the palms of her hands towards the ground, Wanda rose into the air thanks to the push of the red light coming from her fingers.
It only took a few minutes for the witch to arrive at the opposite side of the lake where she started climbing on a small rocky wall, which fell overhanging on the thin shore.
Of course Wanda could have used her powers in this occasion, too, but she had a strong need to detach herself from pain - even only for a few seconds - and a climb would have kept her busy for a while.

Once she reached the summit of the wall, the girl stopped for a few instants admiring the landscape in front of her: the ice reflected the faint sun rays which, passing through the forest, created splendid plays of light and the clouds in the sky looked like thin cotton layers.
When a light wind blew through her hair, Wanda breathed in deep closing her eyes and reaching out with her arms as if she was trying to absorb the beauty around her. In that moment she could almost say she was feeling good.

After this short break Wanda turned her back on the lake and proceeded towards the dense forest that was waiting to be explored.
Once she entered she started moving easy steps - leaving footprints on the mud - and with her arms outwards she touched every tree she passed by. Every time she stumbled across bushes she passed through them with the help of her magic.
Every now and then, along the way, Wanda even met different kinds of animals: she tried to get close to a deer to pet it, but this - feeling something supernatural in her - got scared and ran away. Wanda looked at the palms of her hands and, grieving again, she remembered the way Vision used to hold them and to kiss them to make her feel like she was not dangerous, to show her that he was not afraid of her. A sad smile formed on Wanda's lips, she would have done anything to bring Vision back...but it was not possible, not anymore.

About an hour had passed since Wanda went into the forest and during that whole time she had never stopped. Therefore, tired because of the long distance she had walked, she decided to sit on a tree trunk which had literally been uprooted - as she could witness.
She laid down on the trunk using the hood of her jacket as a pillow and she closed her eyes for a few instants trying to relax. After a short while she sat up again, her elbows leaned on her knees and her chin on her hands. Then, to kill time, she started carefully observing the trunk on which she was sitting: with her fingers she followed the grooves of the bark and she picked up some dry leaves from the ground so that she could look at their shape.
Suddenly she heard something moving behind a bush not far from her. At first she did not give it much importance, thinking it was just an animal. But then the sound was repeated again and again: they were footsteps.
She quickly got up from the trunk, looking around.
«Wanda» she heard somebody calling her name in a familiar way.
«Wanda» that voice was identical to Vision's.
"It is not possible, it cannot be him. It is all in my head". Wanda was afraid to look behind her because she was convinced she was imagining everything and she knew, therefore, she would definitely be disappointed. But on the other hand she wanted to turn around more than anything else.
«Wanda» that voice was closer now.
The girl could not resist anymore so she turned, hopeful.
«You again?!» she said surprised «I thought Vision had taken care of you» red magic spheres appeared first in Wanda's right hand then in her left one.
White Vision took a step back «No, wait» he lifted his arms up between him and the witch, trying to calm her down.
Wanda quickly transformed into the Scarlet Witch then she started throwing spells against the evil version of her "husband" - which had been created by S.W.O.R.D.'s chief (Hayward) in order to kill her.
White Vision soared in the air to dodge Wanda's blows, but she followed him up without stopping throwing red magic.
«I don't want to fight you» the android said, while he kept duking the young witch's shots «But you're leaving me no choice» Vision hit Wanda with the laser coming out of the blue gem embedded into his head, making her fall down.

The hit had been so strong the Scarlet Witch could not stand up, she barely managed to sit up with her back leaned against a huge tree.
White Vision got his feet back on the ground and he approached Wanda who was desperately trying to get herself up by clinging to the tree behind her, without succeeding.
«Wanda, don't be afraid» the robot was about to kneel next to her when the witch screamed «Don't get any closer or i'll turn you into dust!» she threw another one of her spells towards the white version of Vision, who duked the shot.
«Seriously, i won't keep fighting you» said Vision.
«What do you want, then?!» Wanda put her hand on the ground giving up on producing new magic.
White Vision kneeled next to the girl, with one hand he caressed her cheek and with the other he took her hand and he delicately kissed it's back. These actions evoked strong emotions that Wanda had only ever felt with...
«Vision?!» she recognized him. The android nodded without moving his hand from her cheek.
Wanda reached out with her arm for White Vision's cheek as well «Is that really you?» she said in a whisper while tears fell down her big green eyes.

Wanda and Vision: an unexpected return [ENG.]Where stories live. Discover now