"Let me talk to Beth." She handed the phone over and Beth's voice filled me ear.

"Luke I need you to come pick us up. Seriously. I have to get home and find Chad." She told me.

"And Chad must be your boyfriend?"

"Yes and he's not answering his phone."

"Where are your cars?"

"My house I hope."

"Where are you? I'll come get you all."

"I think we're in some place called Johnsonville. That's what I'm seeing on the signs of some buildings." I thought for a moment. That's like an hour and a half away.

"How did you end up there? That's over an hour away."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Beth yelled into the phone.

"Okay don't yell. I'll come and get you."

"On the way can you drive by my house and see what it looks like? See if the cars are there and if anything looks off."

"Yeah I can do that."

"Thank you." And she hung up. Alright, something doesn't seem right. And I will get to the bottom of it.

I stood up and began to get ready. I didn't take too long because I didn't want the girls waiting longer than they have to. I showered, got dressed, sprayed some cologne and left a note for my mom that said I'd be out with friends in case she came home and I wasn't there.

I got in my car and drove the distance to Beth's house and slowed down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I saw three cars and one was Brooke's and another was Beth's. I dialed Brooke's number.

"When will you be here?" She answered, sounding very distressed.

"I'm on my way. Give the phone to Beth." I heard the phone being passed.

"What?" Now Beth was angry.

"Three cars in the driveway. One's yours and another is Brooke's. I don't know who the other one belongs to."



"We're missing a car."

"You've got to be kidding."

"Nope. What color was the other car?"


"That's Gabriella's car. Stephanie and Tracy drove together in Stephanie's car."

"You said Stephanie and Tracy are missing. Did you ever think they're together and they have Stephanie's car?"

"Well we wouldn't know because neither of them are answering their phones." She snapped.

"Jeez I didn't know."

"Sorry I'm just really pissed off. No ones answering their phone and we have no idea what happened."

"It's fine. I'm on my way now. I should get there soon."

"Okay hurry. The three of us are getting restless."

About an hour and half and three phone calls later, I arrived in Johnsonville. Beth had told me they we sitting in front of some restaurant or bakery called Nonie's and I didn't know where that was at. So I stopped and asked multiple people where it was and if they've seen three girls sitting in front of it, and finally a woman said she saw them about a block away. So I drove down a block and spotted them sitting on a bench. I parked right across the street and crossed at the crosswalk. When Brooke saw me she ran up and gave me a hug.

Have You Seen This Girl? (On Hold PLEASE DO NOT READ YET)Where stories live. Discover now