chapter 2

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A/n: I am so sorry I took so much time I just got busy with school work anyways this chapter is about the present so enjoy
Xoxo s
3 years later 

Quinn's pov:

"RING....RING.....RING...." I woke up from the sound of my phone who the hell is calling me this early.

I pick up the phone "hello?" I say a bit irritated. "Hii Quinn," I recognize that loud voice and that means it's one and only- "Rachel hi it's been so long hasn't it?."

"Yeah Quinn but I don't have time to talk your parents are waiting for you and they are not that happy." Rachel says quietly.

"Oh god I almost forgot what time is it?" I say in a hurry.

"It's 9:30 am Quinn please tell me your on your way because I like say that to you parents like 20 minutes ago." She says.

"Well I- uh I just woke up sorry before you yell at me I had a long night yesterday okay?" I say.

"Oh please don't tell me you hooked up with Rick again Quinn I told you he is a playboy why don't you unders-." She's say but I cut her off.

"No no no I did not hook up with him Rachel jeez and besides his gay, so don't worry." I say.

"Well okay but if you don't hurry your mother will cook me with the bacon so be fast okay anyways your mom is calling me so I gotta go see ya bye."

"Yeah I will don't worry bye." I say as I hung up. Oh god how can I forget this. So the deal is that my father has this billionaire business partner and he wants to do business with them but they won't do any investments until they're only daughter is married.

Yeah you guessed it right so my asshole father decided to offer me to the billionaire's daughter and I can't say no to my father because if I do he will start saying how much he did for me blah blah blah. So yeah today i have to meet them.

I get out of bed freshen up gets some waffles to eat then time to dress up well my father's words were "dress beautifully Quinn I don't want their daughter to reject you." Well so I decided to follow that advice  so I am wearing a black tight long dress with a V neck and long black heals and I put some make up on and I am good to go.

I get in my car and drive to Lima Ohio. For almost 3 hours of driving I finally reached. I see my dad's car and I see rachel outside the fancy restaurant waiting for me. I get out of the car and she waves at me. "HI rach." I say as I gave her a hug. Rachel became my best friend from high school and ever since then we were always together until last year she had to go to New York and I went to Yale so it's been an year since we saw each other.

"Hii Quinn you look beautiful, now come on Mr and Mrs Fabray are waiting for you." She says as she drags me inside.

It's a very expensive restaurant I must say who ever this people are must be very rich.

I saw my parents sitting at a large table with some random people I am guessing they are the billionaire's but I don't see their daughter any where. I greet them and have my seat.

"Well Mr and Mrs Lopez this is Quinn my daughter and Quinn this is Mr and Mrs Lopez. " my father said very proudly.

I smile and greet them with a hello they seem nice I wonder where their daughter is.

"So sorry I was late I lost track of time." Someone from behind me said well that voice sounds very familiar as I turn around I saw chocolate brown eyes and my eyes went wide I can't believe this.

"Santana?." I say as I stand up.

"Quinn?." She says as her eyes wides too.

"You two know each other?." Said Mr Lopez.

"Not really I actually saw her a few times at school." She says.

Is she serious a few times we fucking kissed but whatever.

"Well that's good then I am glad you people know each other." Said my father.

"Well since everyone is here why don't we get to the point so everything is set, what do you say Russell should we tie the knot?." She's Mr Lopez.

"Of course." Said my father in a hurry tone.

"How about we ask the kids first?." Says Mrs Lopez.

"Well Quinn here has no objections do you Quinn?." My mother asked me with a forced look on her face. I really wanna say yes as I looked at my father his expression is telling me to say no. Well I have to do this for my family.

"Absolutely not I don't have any objections at all." I say with a sigh.

"Well what about you santana?." Mrs Lopez asked.

She looked at me with a smirk. "No Mami I have no objection." She says still maintaining the eye contact with me.

"Well then it's final we would be having the wedding after 2 weeks well we need to hurry since Santana has to go back to LA to handle the company I hope you don't mind Russell?." Said Mr Lopez.

"No the faster the better I say." He Says then they all start laughing.

After dinner "well it's getting late I think we should get going." Said my mother.

They all said their goodbyes and goes home. As I was walking to my car a voice stopped me.

"Well well well isn't it miss fabray didn't think you would be still single." She says smirking at me.

I turn around and face her, "well I didn't ask for your opinion miss Lopez." I say rudely. And she just chuckles and get in her car.

I get in my car asked start the engine. I look at her and she winks at me. Why did I feel like all my feelings I had for her are coming back by just one wink. I roll my eyes and drive home.


A/n: what do you guys think I am really excited for them aren't you guys anyways until next time bye


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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