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Killing me with smiles, laughter and promises. You bring the light to me when, I am adrfit to the sea of you, to experience the worst of days yet then, you bring me peace.

Peace that brings a rushes as if I'm sitting infront of a hectic wave, a wave working to blow out an entire population. Feeling the symphony to be touched by you is to feel the touch of a thousand suns, to feel the kiss of your lips is to feel the burn of years of wanting. To long for you is second nature but the need for you is the need for everything that there is in life to ever possibly want for. As you are the muse in which I had been searching for, expressing sadness is where I had found my comfort before. Once I had found you I became unable to find a part of my mind in which was able to divide happiness or sadness. Once I had found you I noticed I couldnt bring myself to write almost as if the muse had left me but in reality my muse, had given me everything to be happy about.

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