072. a fox & a vixen

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lxxii||a fox & a vixen

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lxxii||a fox & a vixen

A low murmur spreads across the classroom when the subject of the lesson is revealed, Regulus' lips twitching when he sees Maria's eyes light up, knowing how long she's wanted to learn how to produce a patronus. The class quietens as the students look back towards Professor Rosemary who is smiling at the sight of the eager eyes looking at her.

"Okay, into pairs everyone, let's go!" She says enthusiastically and Regulus instantly looks to Maria who looks between him, Stan and Alyssa. Alyssa who looks rather down after their conversation about Stanley making her sigh and of towards Alyssa, Regulus frowning and meeting her in the middle of the blonde haired duo.

"She's upset, I'll talk to you about it later." Maria whispers and Regulus nods. "I just don't want to leave her to pair with Stan."

"No, it's okay—hey." He grabs her forearm, kissing her temple. "I love you."

"I love you." Maria grins, walking back I've to Alyssa who smiles softly at the girl.

"I'm sorry, you can go with Reg if you want to."

"No. . .why don't you go with Reg, I'll go with Stan." Maria winks and Alyssa sighs, nodding and Regulus smiles at her, ruffling her hair and making her slap his hand.

"What's with the mix up?" Stanley furrows his eyebrows, joining Maria and she sighs. "What've I done?"

"No—it's just—"

"She hates me—oh fuck, it's cause we did it on the floor isn't it?" Stanley rambles, running his hands through his blonde hair making it stuck up and messy. "I knew—shit—she didn't like it—"

"Stanley—Merlin, shut up." Maria breathes and he goes silent. "She thinks. . ." Maria looks at Alyssa who nods. "That you're only having sex with her. . .just because it's sex."

"What?! No—Maria, you have no idea how much she means to me." Stan whispers and she smiles slightly. "I suppose I just don't want to hurt her, I'm scared of breaking her heart."

"You won't break her heart."

"See—that's what everyone says and suddenly I fuck up and she hates me." Stanley stresses and Maria bites her lip trying to prevent her grin. "What?"

"You love her." Maria sings and Stan stares at her for a few seconds.

"What? Nahh—me loving—Alyssa Greengrass—you know it's funny because she's actually allergic to grass—and she hates the colour green, that's why she said she hates the Slytherin uniform—" Stan pauses, looking at Maria and sighing in defeat, his shoulders sagging. "I mean, so what if I do?"

"You've got to tell her, Stanley." Maria whispers with a small smile. "You might surprise yourself."

"Alright! Wands out everyone!"

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