The Adventures of Tuck, Ella and Tiny Kyle

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At the Lookout...

Kyle was sitting in front of a tree still tiny. Kyle has been tiny for 3 days.

Kyle FKZF: (To Himself) Mom, I'll be home soon. You can count on it.

But then, Tuck and Ella in their Mighty Gear came.

Tuck: There he is! He's so hard to see when he's tiny.

Kyle FKZF: Apparently.

Ella: Kyle, don't mind if we go on a adventure together?

Kyle stands up.

Kyle FKZF: Sure, let's go. But only one of you can carry me.

Tuck: Okay. Which one of us can carry you?

Kyle FKZF: Let's see..........Tuck!

Ella: Aw.

Tuck: Ella, you can carry him on the way home since you love him.

Ella: Okay.

Kyle climbs up onto Tuck's paw and up his leg and got onto his back.

Kyle FKZF: I love riding on a puppy.

Tuck: So where should we go?

Kyle FKZF: Let's go to Eagles Mountain.

Ella: Okay.

Ella and Tuck with Kyle on Tuck's back ran to Eagles Mountain...

At Eagle's Mountain...

Ella, Tuck and Kyle are at Eagle's Mountain. They were on the rocky side that Marshall went on when he rescued the 3 sheep.

Kyle FKZF: Whoa! That's quite a drop.

Tuck: Yeah.

They came to a small gap.

Ella: Oh, no. How are we gonna cross?

Tuck: Let's try jumping over it.

Ella: Okay.

Ella jumped across the small gap and made it.

Ella: Made it!

Tuck: Me and Kyle's turn!

Tuck jumped across the small gap and made it, but Kyle was hanging onto the back part of Tuck's back.

Kyle FKZF: (Grunt)

Kyle lost his grip and grabbed onto his tail but lost his grip and he was now sticking onto Tuck's butt.

Kyle FKZF: Mmph! Mmmph!

Tuck: Ah! He's sticking onto my butt! That feels weird!

Kyle was about to collapse.

Tuck: No, don't pass out on us now!

Kyle got unstuck from Tuck's butt and lost his consciousness.

Tuck: Kyle! He's unconscious!

Ella: I'll carry him to that lake down there.

Tuck: Okay.

Ella then picked up Kyle's unconscious body with her mouth.

Tuck: Okay. Let's go!

At the Forest...

Tuck and Ella are at a big lake and Ella sets Kyle's unconscious body down.

Ella: I'll drink a small amount of water and dump it on him.

Ella drinks a small amount of water and spits it on Kyle, waking him up.

The Adventures of Tuck, Ella and Tiny Kyleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن