Grey Worm nodded before disappearing as the others did the same, the calls for the camp to be set up. Coren stayed by her side.

"You are going to have to teach me High Valyrian." Coren muttered. "I'm feeling a little left out of the loop here."

"What a shame." Daenerys teased. "I'll teach you when we have time."

The smile that he shot her in response made that scary feeling in her stomach reappear and Daenerys was quick to look away. Hopefully, her flushed cheeks could be blamed on the sun and not on the man standing beside her.


The camp had been set up and Daenerys was waiting, watching the brightly coloured palaquin coming towards her. According to Grey Worm, it carried a Radzal Mo Eraz, who she had been informed would try to parley with her. That was why there were many slaves behind him, carrying chests of what she assumed would be presents to appease her. 

Daenerys wasn't appeased.

There was a chuffing sound to her left, and Daenerys knew that Drogon was curling around to watch what was happening.

His larger brother, Falkor, was asleep on her right, standing beside Coren though he would occasionally twitch and blow smoke in his sleep. Corne looked thoroughly at ease, chewing on something as he leant into the dragon's side, not a hint of worry or stress present in his expression or body language.

Daenerys wished she had the same ability but everything inside of her was tense. She wanted, needed this to go well, but she was not use to parleying with people and that diplomacy was desperately needed here. 

"Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz of that ancient and honourable house..."

"I doubt that." Daenerys caught Coren's commentary, shooting him a look as he shrugged and Missandei continued.

"...master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace."

"Charming. Speaker to savages." Coren sat further upright at that, nudging Falkor who let out a deep growl, flaring his wings.

The man was approaching them nervously.

"Coren, be nice." Daenerys hissed beneath her breath as the man grinned.

"Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."

"You may approach." Daenerys called. Did she have to tell him to sit down or would he assume so? Better to be safe than sorry. "Sit."

Was that perhaps too cold? Daenerys was not sure what type of rule she would be but she knew that she did not wish to be like her brother or father, and they were cold and cruel, but if she was too nice then they would take advantage of that so where should she draw the line?

Missandei was pouring the man refreshment.

"Ancient and glorious is Yunkai. Our empire was old before dragons stirred in old Valyria." Radzal took a long sip of the wine. "Many an army has broken against our walls. You shall find no easy conquest here, khaleesi."

Daenerys did not like being treated as a child, throwing a piece of steak in the air as the three younger dragons launched for it, screeching and pushing each other out of the way to try and get the food. The man recoiled as Daenerys' eyes narrowed.

"That's good. My Unsullied need practice." Daenerys hummed, wiping her hands away of the juices of the meat, as the younger dragons disappeared leaving only Falkor to stretch and clamber back over towards her. "I was told to blood them early."

Angela ───── D. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now