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Kevin and Adam met Voight and Miller outside the warehouse. They were waiting for the bomb squad to clear the room before they could get the crime lab in and search the place.

"Halstead collapsed, 105.5 fever the paramedics said. Upton went with them to Med. She'll call as soon as there is an update." Kevin updated their sergeant.

"You're telling me, the detective who made that shot was sick?" Miller looked at Voight in shock. "Why was he here? He should have been in the hospital or home."

"You haven't worked directly with my team very much yet. They are very dedicated officers. Once they get on a case they will push through anything to finish it." Voight explained to his superior.

"I may have been able to convince him to see his brother who's a doctor but he found that video of you being abducted and refused to step aside." Trudy raised an eyebrow at the Deputy Superintendent. Miller shook her head and sighed.

"Hank, I have people to work the scene if you want to escort the Deputy Superintendent to the hospital to get checked out and go check on your man." Trudy offered to her long time friend. Hank nodded and rounded up his team. He held Miller's elbow to keep her steady as they went to his car. She was still shaking from her experience and the blow to the head. They quickly raced to the hospital, lights and sirens blaring.

The team joined Hailey in the waiting room. Voight took Miller into the ER to get checked out and waited with her. It seemed like deja vu waiting to find out Halstead's fate. They weren't there long before Will joined them in the waiting room.

"He's gone for surgery." Will didn't waste any time. "His appendix ruptured, it's probably been leaking for most of the day, that's why he was getting sicker. He should have come hours ago, he's lucky you got him in when you did. Any longer and it would have been too late. Even still, it's touch and go right now."

Hailey sighed and closed her eyes knowing she should have pushed him to come in but they had all gotten so wrapped up in the case. She thanked Will before heading into the emergency department to update Voight and Miller.

"Excuse me Sarg." She found the room where Miller was sitting on the bed having her head cleaned by a resident. "Jay's gone for surgery. Will says his appendix ruptured. He's not out of the woods yet."

Voight thanked her before Hailey left for her friends in the waiting room.

"Let me get this straight. Detective Halstead worked through a ruptured appendix and still managed the shot to take out Harding??" Miller raised her eyebrow and tried to turn to look at Voight only to be chastised by the resident.

"It's who Halstead is, most of my team actually. They will push through their own personal issues and always put the case first. Although that has come back to bite us a few times." Voight gave Miller one of his rare proud smiles. Miller frowned before picking up her phone and sending off a text before allowing the resident to get back to work.

"He's out, you can all go see him now. He's already trying to bargain his way out." Will came into the waiting room later and addressed the team. Hank, Hailey, Kim, Kev and Adam crowded into the room. Will hung back in the door and shook his head at his brother.

"Who's going to switch with me so I can get out of here?" Jay slurred slightly from the meds he was on.

"I don't think that's going to happen tonight, Jay." Voight shook his head and put a hand on the side of Jay's face briefly. He was relieved the heat was no longer there. "You gave us a scare, now you're going to have to do your time."

"At least you don't look like Casper's big brother anymore." Kev joked and gave Jay a fist bump. Jay tried to sit up farther but winced, Hailey helped him with the buttons on the bed until he could get more comfortable.

"We'll leave you to rest, we just needed proof of life." Adam winked at him, he shook hands with Jay before leaving the crowded room. Hailey held Jay's hand and sat on the side of the bed, clearly not going anywhere. Voight turned to him before he left.

"Unbelievable shot, Halstead. I've said it before but I am glad you are on my team. Start taking care of yourself. I wouldn't want to lose you to a desk job because you pushed too far. You hear me?" Voight raised an eyebrow and waited for Jay's nod before clapping Will on the shoulder on the way out.

"You hear that, Jay? I'm not the only one who worries." Will came in and took Jay's temperature and checked the monitors. "You're staying tonight. Your fever still isn't all the way down and we need to monitor you."

"Come on, Hailey. Talk some sense into this guy. I'm alright now." Jay begged half heartedly as his eyes started to close against his will. She smiled and shook her head as he drifted back to sleep. 

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