don't leave me <3

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a/n   this is based of the movie 'gifted'  i love that movie and thought this would be a cute idea <3

didn't proof read sorry xxx

y/n pov:
hi, my name is y/n, i live with my auntie Flo. i have lived with her since i was 6 months old, after my mummy died. Florence is the best! she fixes boats for her job, we always go out for ice cream on Saturdays, she bought me a cat called Fred! he only has one eye which is so cool! i'm 7 and Florence has always homeschooled me, but today she made me go to school, i love maths but the teacher was asking questions like 'what is 3+3' it was so babyish, so i may or may not have shouted at the headteacher to take me home. Flo wasn't very happy about that, but she forgave me. the other day my grandmother 'Evelyn' showed up, she bought me a computer! it was the best! Flo is acting weird lately tho, she keeps going out with Evelyn and saying they had went out for lunch, but no one goes out for lunch that much.

Florence pov:
my niece y/n is the smartest child ever, but my sister killed her self when y/n was just 6 months old. she had a very different life to most kids, she loved maths just like y/n, my mother Evelyn did force it on her sometimes. speaking of Evelyn, she turned up at my house because the school called her after i turned down the offer for y/n to go to a big maths school for gifted individuals. she's 7. it's not fair on her at such a young age not to have a normal life for a 7 year old. Evelyn took me to court to take custody of y/n. the court has decided that y/n will go to a foster home, until she is 12 then she can go back to court and choose where she wants to live. i'm not happy with that deal

"where are we going Flo?" she asks me in the car. "to see that nice family again" i say. "oh okay" she says looking out the window. "why did we bring all my things" she asks. "because your going to be staying there for a little bit" i mumbled. we pulled up at the house and i brought all the things in and knelt down next to y/n. "hey sweetheart, so i'm going to go now" i say. "no no! you promised i wouldn't go!" she shouts in my face. "i'm sorry y/n" i say and she starts hitting my head, her Foster mother came and tried to pull her away but she wasn't having any of it, she turned around to hit her foster mother and that's when i got up and left "i love you y/n" i said before leaving.

y/n pov:
"NO FLO NO!! DON'T LEAVE" i shout, banging on the door she just walked out of. my foster dad and mum tried to comfort me but i just ran upstairs. "SHE LEFT"

Flo pov:
i have it. i have the evidence to say y/n is okay to stay with me. i got into my car and pulled up outside the foster house. i knocked on the door and the dad came out and asked me 'what's wrong' i said 'where's y/n' and he pointed to the garden where she was sat sulking. i ran over and knelt down to her she started hitting me again "y/n i'm sorry, I'm sorry" i kept repeating."you promised me" she said. "i know and i'm sorry" i said and pulled her into a hug, she kept refusing then just melted into the hug. "i'm never letting anyone take you again y/n, i love you" i said still hugging her. "i love you Flo" she replied

a/n    i thought this would turn out a lot better? but aha hope you enjoy xx

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