Twenty minutes into thr movie, nothing seems out of the ordinary apart from the robots and the only girl that had found another woman behind the lock doors. This wasn't all bad, but Kitt didn't like the surgery part, hiding his face while Shu comforts him through the scene.

Free's all calm, giving out his share of popcorn, refilling Kitt's and Shu's bucket. "Hang on, a robot that raises a baby and this is the results? She's almost perfect..."

"I know..." Shu spoke, muching on a mouthful of popcorn.

"Mom says that no one is perfect, and dad says I'm perfect to them...but he gets angry with me all the time before he..." Kitt reminisce his poorly late father, pulled both boys attentions all together from this comment.

Shu comforts him, ruffling his hair from the back, saying, "No one is perfect, but that doesn't mean your not good enough."

"When a parent sees their children do the wrong thing, it's natural for them to give their kid a lecture..."

"But why do they have to be so aggressive...?"

Free and Shu looked at each other, smiles, "Because they want for you to do the right thing, they're making sure. They do, no matter the punishment, they still loves you dearly..." Shu stated, he knows...despite growing up without his real once.

Kitt sniffles, "I love him too, but I didn't get the chance to show him..." He cries, hiding his teary eyes from their sights.

Seeing that the movie is on the action part of the woman and the girl being chased by he robot mom, they ignored it, comforts Kitt instead though his trouble as a child that have a father that shows him nothing but love, via punishments with hints of care. What could be more important? A fictional movie, or a friend in need.

Hours into the movie, credits rolls. The kid falling asleep on Shu's chest, armchair up snuggling into the soft fabric while the albino strokes his hair until he sleeps soundly.

"That movie was pretty interesting..." Free commented, sipping on his soda. Shu agreed while the song in the background goes.

Free went from Shu, to Kitt snoring away smiling. He smiled too, couldn't forget how comforting it was, sleeping, snuggling with Shu in his arms, or sleeping on Shu's lap with the same stokes of his hair during a trip. Shasa couldn't come anywhere close to the level of affection Shu shows in a relationship.

"Shall we...?" Shu raised his brow, with a 'huh'

Free snikers, "Sleep? It's eleven already..." Shu was shocked what time it was, he was too focus on both the movie, his tiny talks with Free while caring for Kitt, he didn't realize it was that late.

"Sure, let's take him to his room first..."


"Shasa! Are you for real!?" Ichika exclaims, extreamly uncomfortable where they were being lead to. Couldn't agree less for their other friend Reina, shivering from the coldness of the air as they go further into the overgrown forest.

Both girls has cuts and bruises from the trip, falling to rocks, scratches from the throns it wasn't exactly a pleasant girls night out.

Raina held her backpack close to her, huggin like her life depends on it, "A-are we close? We...we could've afford the tickets girl! Why here?" She shivers, arguing they could've been inside the warm temperature of the city aquarium, going to the mall section and buy the heck out of those expensive tags without thinking things through.

"Yeah! I'm starving!!" Ichika complains, feet falling asleep, yet Shasa hasn't said a word after she storms out without telling them the reason why.

Follow your Heart | WildFire Vol1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora