Two - Accident Happens All The Time

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It was a gorgeous, summer night, so they had taken a table outside the patio. The sun was starting to set, and the street lights were flickering on. It was a perfect night for a romantic date.

They had been going on more dates lately, making more time for each other since the engagement party. It was a relief for Jeong Hyeok, knowing that Hye Jin knew about the affair. Not that it made his actions okay, but having the secret out in the open made it easier for them to move on. Hye Jin was right, love was a choice, something that needed to be worked at. And he was working hard to make things right.

Jeong Hyeok picked up the bottle of wine, pouring its last contents into Hye Jin's glass. Not that alcohol had been needed, it was simply an accompaniment to the perfectly comfortable night they'd been having.

"Getting me drunk isn't going to make me believe this," Hye Jin jested.

"What? I am telling you the truth," Jeong Hyeok swore, "I am wounded that you don't believe me."

"I have too much faith in mankind to believe anyone can be that stupid."

"Well, you have met Chi Su...." Jeong Hyeok replied with eyebrows raised.

"I did. Still, I don't believe he would be daft enough to try to launch himself in a homemade rocket." Hye Jin replied, sipping her sauvignon blanc confidently.

"I told you he is an idiot," Jeong Hyeok laughed, leaning back in his seat.

Hye Jin shrugged in agreement before her face morphed back into one of confusion and disbelief, "But seriously, he really believes the earth is flat?" she asked, returning to the original subject of their conversation.

"He does."

"Well then, if that is what he believes in, best to shoot himself into space for proof."

Jeong Hyeok laughed, "There are dumb people out there, babe. But I do admit, this guy might represent the pinnacle of idiocy."

"Nope," Hye Jin shook her head vehemently, "That's definitely a publicity stunt and that's the only explanation."

Jeong Hyeok was about to respond, but he was cut off by the ring of his cellphone. He usually tried to avoid answering his phone on dates with Hye Jin. It was part of his commitment to make her a priority. But it was Young Ae. And she wouldn't call unless something serious happened.

"It's my sister." He said to his fiancee as a way of explanation.

"Of course," she said, "answer it."

Jeong Hyeok reached for the phone in the pocket of his jacket which he had hung over the back of his seat shortly after arriving.


"Oh, Jeong Hyeok, thank god you answered." Young Ae answered. her panic was as tangible over the phone as it would be if she had been right there. Young Ae was known for her dramatics. Still, something about her tone of voice unnerved him.

"Everything alright?"

"We were on our way to Sokcho for the weekend. We weren't even out of the city when some idiot who can't drive properly cut us off, my husband tried to avoid him but--"

"Are you okay?" he cut her off, his voice edging the line between anxious and terrified. Young Ae was the only family member he could actually stand. If something happened to her, he didn't even know what to do.

"I am fine. Just a few scrapes and bruises. Young Pil took the brunt of it. He looks terrible, Jeong Hyeok-ah. The ambulance took us to EUMC and they admitted him. They're talking about surgery..."

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