Chapter 10: Gabil has Arrived!

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A week of preparation quickly passes by. With the help of the talented Kijins, the development of Tempest once more become faster— And so, with Kurobee and Kaijin working together they produced an entirety of Rare-Grade weapons for our 100 strong army.

With new weapons at hand, our D class guards suddenly went to C Rank soldiers. But that is not all— Because of Hakurou's day and night hellish training, our mediocre soldiers were furtherly flattered and earned a spot of B- Rank.

As for Shuna, she is preaching on something which I can't even discern— in the embroidery section I won't stand a chance against her. All I know was making clothes was something along with finding impressive synthetic fibers and piecing them up together— that's all I know honestly... It should've been obvious by now but I didn't realize it apparently clothing can be cast by some sort of protection magic. I usually depend on my passive {Multi Dimensional Barrier} that's why I didn't foresee this. Heavy full metal armors are still impressive but it prevents the soldiers from using their full agility— but now with a new discovery— it may change our way of fighting.

To sum it all Hakurou's hellish daily sessions with the Goblins, New Equipment, Benimaru's instructions, and Shuna's weaved synthetic clothing our average soldiers are approximately B+ in force. This timeline is kinda buff but not that much.

Not that I'm against it— with the interference of Demon lord Luminous Valentine and an unusual series of events happening we may be fighting the same enemies on a completely different battlefield. And another problem arouses, these two... (Shion and Shuna) are having another bout I don't know...

Well, my slime body is really comfortable.

"Come on now Shion safely hand Great Rimuru to me already"

Shuna demanded as she pulls me over her but Shion absolutely declined, I kinda felt like a toy from two kids fighting.

"No Princess I am personally in charge of him, as his secretary" Shion pulls the other side of my body over her, she sternly refused.

Then Shuna dropped a bomb on my hands... "Great Rimuru— you prefer me over Shion right?" 

"Well, you got work to do, right? I'm gonna ask you after you are free" 

I said hastily because they really are ripping off my body— my body is not that synthetic or is it?

Well anyway, Shuna just smiles brightly and she answers... " Yes! leave it to me Great Rimuru!"

Pouting on the corner Shion completely stole me from Shuna's hold

"Now then, I think it's time to take our leave" 

Being carried by Shion we left the Development sector building where Shuna, Garm brothers, and some dedicated Goblinas work. Well, we really can't disturb them—their work is quite sensitive and it takes an exceptional amount of focus. So me being there will just hinder their productivity. So let's just leave Shuna and the other Goblinas to crochet our clothes.

So with that said Shion carried me over to the training grounds but as we open the door we went past through Shizu-san. "Good morning Shizu-san"

"Good morning Rimuru-san" 

We usually just exchange few pleasantries and I immediately got dragged away by Shion and Shizu-san got dragged by Shuna. It seems Shizu-san will replace me in my role as a dress-up doll.

<<Lady Shizu this will suit you the best!>>

This is... Multi-Dimensional Perception. With Shion escorting me we are far away enough for a regular perception to not hear it— but with my Multi-Dimensional Perception, it's feasible.

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