I just needed to tell her how I felt, explain it all when we were sober and hope she feels the same. Or could feel the same, I'm pretty sure she friend-zoned me early on and I wanted to change that. Rejecting her was not a good way to start. 

When I arrive at work I find Maggie and Missy unloading March Madness banners from the back of Missy's hatchback. Maggie flicks her wrist, signaling for me to come over, and then has me haul all of the bracket banners to the front of the bar, leaving Missy behind. As I drop the vinyl rolls onto the bartop, Maggie asks, "So did you tell your people about tomorrow night? You're coming right?" 

I release a sigh before answering, "I don't know. I have no idea what time we'll be out of here tomorrow." 

"Come on, you don't work on Sunday, you finished school today. Come and unwind, I'll make it worth your while," she says and then bites her cherry red lip. She reaches her hand out and tugs on the bottom of my tee. I have to create a boundary. Lucy will never take me seriously if she thinks I have something going on with Maggie. 

"Um, Mag's, I should tell you..." I start and she takes a step closer to me. No one is in the back bar area yet, but I know Lucy is due any minute. "I'm kinda...I'm seeing someone." She stops in her tracks and shifts her questioning eyes from my belt buckle to my face. 

"What? Since when?"

"It's something that started a while ago and was off and on and now..." I say, but I can see the flash of anger cross her face. 

"Who are you seeing?" She asks bitterly as she removes her hand from my wrist and crosses her arms over her chest.

"No one you know, it's...I'm sorry Maggie. I didn't mean to lead you on, or hurt you if you thought this was something," I say, fumbling as I realize I'm actually terrified of Maggie. She can easily kick my ass with her black combat boots and her sister is equally scary. "I also love this job and don't want to complicate anything. I am sorry." She takes a step away from me but her composure is back. She sucks her teeth before saying, "No worries, Jack. I just wanted to fuck you, not marry you. We're all good." She slaps me hard on the arm and then focuses her attention on the banners. 

"Go clock in, you fuck." She snaps and I have no idea if she is going to murder me now. I know I fucked up when I kissed her weeks ago and this is exactly why I never wanted to shit where I eat. Except for when it comes to Lucy. I'll shit all over that back bar. 

I reach the locker room without running into anyone else and right after I clock in, I catch Lucy rounding the corner into the office, looking dazed and white as a ghost. Could she still possibly be that hungover?

"Hey Goose," I say cautiously as I take a step towards her, but she immediately puts a hand up. 

"Don't Goose me," she snaps and I realize she is still angry from last night. She storms over to her locker and spins the lock aggressively. 

"I'm sorry about last night, Lucy. I just...there is so much I want to say to you and I didn't feel like I should when you were drunk and on the verge of passing out," I say quickly, hoping she'll look in my direction. She shoves her purse into her locker and then looks up at me, "I'm so fucking stupid." 

"What! No, Lucy. Trust me, I wanted to kiss you-" I start but she shakes her head while blinking quickly. She lets out a maniacal laugh before saying, "Who else do you want to kiss from here huh? Here I was thinking you didn't date co-workers and you're hooking up with the manager!" 

I freeze. What the fuck? 

"What?!" I ask in shock. "Who told you that?" 

"Is it true?" She asks, her eyes telling me that she's hoping it's not. That's the thing about Lucy, her eyes convey all of her emotions, so I know she's mad even when she tries to play it cool. 

"I am not hooking up with Maggie," I reply quietly, aware of the other ears that could be lurking around. 

"Oh really? So, nothing happened between you two at a party a few weeks ago?" She asks and she instantly catches my hesitation. She lets out another breath of a laugh and I take a step closer to her, "Lucy, it's not-"

"That's all I needed to know," she states, cutting me off. She turns to leave the office but then stops in the doorway. Looking back at me she adds, "I have nothing to lose at this point, so I might as well just tell you that I had really wanted you to kiss me last night. I too have wanted that for years, but I don't want Maggie's sloppy seconds, so I'm out." She rounds the corner and I'm left dumbstruck in the office. 

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