✍🏾 : Four

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                 Located in South Carolina

                          Sunny POV ,

" Man this class so boring ." Ariana said from beside me .

" Ariana do you have anything you got to say ?" the teacher Mrs.Smith said .

" No disrespect but this class is boring ." Ariana said .

" I know but just give me 15 minutes of your time and I promise I will give y'all the break off for the rest of the remaining class time ." Mrs.Smith said .

Mrs.Smith was a cool teacher . She really cared that people got there education.

" Okay ." Ariana said .

" Well you know  if Sunny could answer a question I would end class right now ." Mrs.Smith said .

The whole classroom looked at me.

" She barely even look at you. What make you think she would answer a question ?" One of the girls in my class said.

" I mean that is my teacher. What is the question ?" I asked Mrs.Smith.

" Do you think money makes a person successful ?" She asked me.

" It depends but yeah ." I answered.

" Do you feel that you are successful ?" She asked me.

" Well I know I have money but I don't feel like I'm successful yet ." I said honestly.

" So what's your definition of being successful ?" She asked me again.

" To accomplish all the goals you set in life." I said.

" That's it, class dismiss ." Mrs.Smith said.

We all got our stuff and walked out the room.

" I hope she do that everyday ." Ariana said.

Before I could say anything a girl name Keisha walked up to me.

" Hey Sunny ." Keisha said.

" Wassup ." I said about to walked away but she grabbed my arm.

" Hold on right quick. You still going to my party ?" She asked me.

" Ion know ." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

" Okay . I'm gone text you." She said before walking away.

" She get on my nerves." Ariana said while rolling her eyes.

Me and her walked out the school and headed towards my car.

" You want some food ?" I asked her.

" Oh my goodness. You really care if i'm hungry ?" She said fake crying.

" Girl get on." I said laughing.

" But no for real I want some Wendy's ." She said making me look at her weird.

I'm sick of Wendy's and I have only ate there two times.

" Okay weird ass ." I said while starting the car up.

" Naw you the one that's weird. You eat at McDonald's everyday ." She said laughing .

" Baby I been liking McDonald's my whole life . You just started liking Wendy's 1 month ago ." I said .

" Anyways is you going to Keisha party ?" Ariana asked me .

" I might . You want to go ?" I asked her .

" Hell nah . Like Sunny why is you still with her ?" Ariana asked me .

" Me and ha just talk . We don't even go out ." I said mugging her .

My Happinessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें