Chapter 2

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Barry looked at everything he wrote on the glass boards and sighed. He worked all night on a rescue plan and came up with nothing. Every plan that came to his mind could bring fatal losses, and Barry could not allow anyone to die because of him again. Barry glanced at one board on which he conceptualized a new power dumpener. Potentially meta-cuffs can be more powerful than 'Boot'. Barry noticed that the room was getting brighter and looked out the windows where he could see the beginning of a new day. Barry rubbed his eyes, grabbed his jacket, and walked out of Star Labs to Jitters. He thought he and the others needed to clear their heads. Arriving at the Jitters, he was greeted by a line of several people.

'Great,' Barry thought and sighed.

After a few seconds he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Allen? For coffee too?" Singh asked.

"Good morning, Captain," Barry said and looked at Singh with tired eyes.

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in weeks," Singh said with a slight concern in his voice.

"Rough night. Actually, Captain, I wanted to talk to you before starting work," Barry said, to which Singh raised an eyebrow.

"I want to take a week off. Family matters. I wanted to spend some time with my dad to catch up."

"I understand. Okay, but only for one week. You are the only CSI in our precinct. When you return, you will have a lot of work to do," Singh said.

"Thank you, Captain," Barry replied with a slight smile. At that moment Singh's phone rang and he groaned. When the call ended, Singh left. Barry bought coffee for Cisco, Harry, Jesse and himself and went to Star Labs.

Moment later

Star Labs

Reaching the doorframe of the cortex, he glanced at Caitlin's white coat that Barry had left on the chair at night. Barry closed his eyes, and in his head was the image of a smiling Caitlin, who disappeared, replaced by the image of a frightened Caitlin with Zoom, holding her by throat in the air. Barry opened his eyes and realized that he needed to hurry. He took a look at his metacuffs project and walked over to others. When Barry approached the doorframe of Cisco's lab, he saw Cisco and Harry in front of the glass boards, markers in hand. Next to them, Barry saw Jesse sleeping in a chair covered with Harry's jacket like a blanket.

'At least some of us have managed to fall asleep,' Barry thought.

He knocked lightly on the doorframe to announce his presence. Barry quetly walked over to Jesse and placed the cup on the table in front of her. Then Barry turned to Cisco and Harry, handed them coffee, and spoke.

"Got anything?" Barry asked quetly.

"The only thing that comes to our mind is to improve the Velocity formula," Cisco said tiredly and sipped his coffee.

"But the problem is that Snow is the one who made it," Harry said and sipped his coffee. Barry sighed.

"What about you?" Cisco asked hopefully.

"I'm still working on the plan, but I got an idea," Barry said and began writing his calculations and schemes on a glass board.

"I can make these cuffs. I know this is a strange question in this situation, but are you okay?" Cisco asked worriedlly.

"I don't know. There is thing I'm trying to process, but it can wait," Barry said with unsure look.

"Take a brake. Think this things through and maybe it will give you some ideas," Cisco said. Barry shook his head.

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