Your spotlight.

Everyone, all the guests, laid their eyes on you, some flashing out their phones and taking shots. Some even flashing out an expensive camera.

You managed to ignore the constant light in the corner of your eye as you finally reached the ground.

"Hold your arm out for me dumbass." You half-whisper to him, still staring at you.

He shakes his head, knocking your appearance out of his head, "Oh yeah" he anxiously chuckles and holds out his arm in a slanted L shape for you to gently grip.

You can't help but feel his strong bicep underneath your hand, blood rushing to your cheeks.

As you do so, Mr Havertz watches you both, a warm, comforting smile spread across his face.
Is this normally what happens to 'Newly Wedded' foreigners?

If Jas and Sam were in your and Mason's place, would they get the same treatment?

"Here is your escort, Mr and Mrs Mount." The tall, lean chauffeur remarks, pulling out the door for you.

Ok wow.
Just wow.

It was a polished, shimmering Bentley, which became the center of attention.

"Why did you spend so much money on us Mr Havertz, it really wasn't needed!" You explain modestly, appreciating each and every added gesture.

"Oh Madam, the Mayor sends an expensive transport vehicle to each guest. As you may know, this whole ball is rather posh." He answers, beckoning you to go in with a small hand gesture.


"Whoa..." Mason breathes right by your ear, as the crowd full of rich people fill the building.

It is the ballroom that calls for Cinderella, to feel the press ends of a heart with such a strong soul-connection.
Cinderella was practically born in this ballroom, for it was the moment she realised that she was worth more that ages and sacrifice that she was as worth of happiness as any other.

"I don't think a footballer and a simple girl is meant for this..." you whisper to Mason, his eyes still shocked, and mouth slightly open.
"Mason!" You knudge him and knock him out of his thoughts. "I said-"
"I know what you said, I heard. It's just this place is so..." he interrupts, searching for the right, exact word which could describe this impressive place.
"fantasy..." you mutter, all the books you read were exactly twinning this place.
"It's like a fantasy. You know, in books." You explain, not bothering to distribute more to a dumb guy.
"You nerd." He rolls his eyes and walks forward with you.

A stern yet posh man, with perfect polished teeth begins 'welcoming' you in the dance. Well, if you call 'welcoming' giving you and Mason weird looks.

It was even better on the inside, a great dome sucking all the negativity out of the elegant room. Famous white walls company the gorgeous decor placed in distant corners.
It reminds you of a handsome Prince.

Mason suddenly comes to mind, and you shrug it away.

A balcony overlooks the flooring, it's gold rim naked to the light.
Two staircases blend on each side, exposing onto the ground level, perfectly proportioned.

"This is so beautiful." You murmur, taking in each and every gorgeous feature.
"Like y- like it is Ibiza, so I'm not surprised." He shrugs, laying it off cool, but you had an idea of what he was about to say.

Like you.

"Says the man who stood for 1 minute straight ignoring me because you found it so grand. And that was just the outside of the building." You scoff and slightly laugh to yourself.

Mason goes speechless, you shut him up, as you should.
"Look who's silent now." You mutter to yourself and crack a smile.
You shake your head, laying it off, "Nothing" you shrug and laugh inside.

The grand Mayor strides across the stage and begins an appreciation speech in a very, rich English accent, then translates it to the beautiful Spanish language.

"The dance may commence ladies and gentlemen. El baile puede comenzar, damas y caballeros." He smiles and walks down the steps of the stage.

On cue, a slow rhythm passes across the room, echoing off the finest, mythical walls. A royal, soft music.

"Uhm...ok I've never done anything like this and I didn't have time to practice..." Mason mumbles, accidentally loud enough for you to catch on to every word.
You chuckle, and grab both his arm, placing his hands gently on each side of your waist. Slowly, you situate your hands on his shoulders.

"This is how I imagine it is..." you say, concentrated whilst glancing looks at other for guidance.

"And now we sort of sway from side to side I guess?" You mention, slightly swaying your hips as Mason does the same, smiling at you.

You catch him staring, and hold the gaze for a while, "What?" You ask, dancing along with him gently, shifting your feet alongside his.

Mason tugs you closer to him, in the least flirtatious way, and brings your mouth to his neck only inches apart.
He tilts his neck ever so slightly, your breath hitches slightly, grasped by his silent touch.
He whispers softly, "That chocolate fountain looks so good over there..."
Surprised, you move further away from him to look him dead in the way. "You pulled me closer to say that?" You say in astonishment.
There was, in fact, a towering fountain in the corner, surrounded by delicious, marvellous treats.

What else did you expect him to say?

"I'm a grown men, I don't want people to think I'm immature, saying it out loud like a, some girls got a bit jealous." He protests and smirks, gripping you slightly harder, as if not wanting to lose you.

All this...this feeling, this atmosphere felt unreal, mystical, somewhat fake. Like a mere dream.

"You are immature." You roll your eyes as the music tempo increases.

Mason moves one of his hands from your waist, and takes one of your hands from his shoulders and interlocks his fingers with yours.
Your hand brushes up against his, and the world narrows to that one point, Hand on hand, eyes straight ahead, breath caught in your throat. That one touch becoming your whole world for a split second, but your touch is broken, like all lovely things are.

You and Mason are friends, that's all it will ever be. He said it before, and you did as well, you guys aren't meant for each other.
Maybe enemies can turn to frenemies but not lovers...oh God no.

Sensing your discomfort, Mason worryingly asks "Hey Y/n are you ok?"
You smile, brushing it off. "Yeah..I'm fine honestly"

Before you could blurt another word out, letter even, your swiped away by another's hand, soon the whole room switches partners.

Oh so it was like those real fantasy books...

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