Molly's Curse

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We're on our way home, for real this time. Brighton, Illinois. That's me, Amber McGee, sitting in the car with my identical twin sister, Molly, and our little brother, Darryl. "Ah, Brighton." Molly said, waving to a bunch of people on the streets. "You know what I see here? Limitless potential!" "You know what I see?" I asked. "Another town where we get too comfortable until we eventually have to move again." "Amber, that's not true!" Dad retorted. "Come on, it's so obvious." I said. "You know what I see? A clean slate." Darryl added. "Let's keep it that way, Darryl." Mom explains. "No more disasters! Flammable or otherwise." "I make no promises." Darryl replied as Mom and Dad both gave him the death glare. All of a sudden, Mom's phone began ringing, showing a call from Grandma Nin. "Hey, Mom, we're almost there." Mom greeted. "I know, I've been tracking you." Grandma Nin explains. "Tell Peter to step on it." "Hi, Grandma Nin!" Molly, Darryl, and I greeted as Dad pulled up to our house. "Ah, here we are, McGees." Dad announced. "Well, it's not the worst house we've ever lived in." Mom commented. "Oh, wait, that's not our house." Dad corrected, parking across the street from the other house. "This is our house." "Dad? Quick question. How old is this house?" I asked. "And how long has it been abandoned?" "Turn me around so I can see." Grandma Nin said as Mom faced her phone towards the new house. "Oh, turn me back, turn me back!" "Granted, it is a bit of a fixer upper." Dad explains. "Dad, I'm not gonna lie to you." Molly sighed. "I LOVE IT!" As Molly ran inside the house, I helped unload the car. "Of course she does." I rolled my eyes.

About an hour or two later, Darryl and I helped Mom and Dad with organizing the kitchen. Well, more like just me helping while he was on his phone. "You wanna put the cereal in this cabinet?" Dad asked Mom. "Dad, that's sheer madness." I commented. "It's completes the bowl, utensil, cereal triangle." Mom replied. "Cereal has to go in here." "No, cereal has to go in here." Darryl said, pouring the cereal in his mouth along with some milk from the fridge. Dad started laughing, until he opened the cabinet. Inside of it was a ghost, which did a jump scare to all of us. Darryl spit out the cereal in my face and Mom quickly packed up some boxes. "You're disgusting, bro!" I complained. "Leave the boxes! Leave the cereal! Leave everything! Leave yourselves!" Dad screamed, making Mom look annoyed. "Bring yourselves!" "Ghost!" Darryl and I screamed. As we ran towards the door, all of us were stopped by Molly, blocking the door. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Guys, it's okay." Molly explains, super calmly. "I see you've met my new best friend, Scratch." "IT HAS A NAME?!" Mom asked. "Molly, you gave me a heart attack, I thought you died!" I shouted. "Wait, there's two of you?" Scratch asked. "Amber is my identical twin." Molly explains. "Out of the way, Molly, we're leaving this house, and we're never coming back!" Dad panicked. "We got the cereal, right?" "I'm drenched in it." I replied, raising my hand. "No, no, Dad, we can't leave our forever home just because it comes with a ghost." Molly said. "Besides, Scratch doesn't mean to be scary, he's just, I don't know, a little hangry?" "I am NOT hangry." Scratch grunted. "Do you want a snack?" Molly asked. "I mean, I'd have a bite of something, doesn't mean I'm hangry." Scratch replied. "Granola bar?" Molly offered. "Not if it's carob." Scratch said. "Amber, Darryl, you're both gonna love Scratch." Molly explains. "I highly doubt that." I said, annoyed. "Ghost, do you happen to know the exact day and time of my death?" "I don't even know you!" Scratch groaned. Darryl walked up to Scratch and touched him. "Ugh, he's so gross." Darryl groaned. "Give me more!" "Dad, you always tell us we shouldn't be afraid of people who are different. Shouldn't that apply to a ghost?" Molly asked. "You're right, Molly. And I believe the term is post living person." Dad replied. "Welcome to our home! I mean, your home, which is technically our home. I'm a little flustered. Sorry. This is all very new to me." "And Mom, you're really gonna love..." Molly said. "Way ahead of you, Moll. Nobody disclosed a ghost!" Mom interrupted. "I'm calling our realtor and getting some money back on this dump!" "What is wrong with you people?!" Scratch shouted, covering us all in his goop. "I think he really likes you guys." Molly said. "Weirdest move in day ever." I commented.

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