I'm Home (Villanelle x Eve Polastri)

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"Hello? Is anyone home?" Villanelle's eyes darted around the main area of her apartment. There was a light on and nobody was supposed to be home which made her a little concerned.

Eve was supposed to be in London for another 2 days and Konstatin had just left for Rome. She pulled her gun from the holster and pointed it in front of her in case she needed to use it. Someone was in her apartment and whoever it was needed to leave.

Villanelle tiptoed around her apartment, leaning around the doorframe to try and spot who was in the chair next to her bed. So far, she could only make out an outline of a person. A woman perhaps? Her hair was resting just above her shoulders and it intimidated Villanelle a little.

She held the gun out in front of her and flicked the light on. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Eve who was in the chair and she dropped the gun onto the bed after making sure the safety clip was on properly.

"Hi Baby, I missed you," Eve murmured and tears started to fill Villanelle's eyes. Nobody had ever missed her before. This was a new situation for her. "Come here, My Love. Are you okay?" Eve held her arms out from her position on the chair and Villanelle rushed forward.

She straddled Eve's thighs, wanting to be as close as possible and then she tucked her face into Eve's neck as soft arms encircled her waist to hold her close. She inhaled the scent of Eve's perfume, a comforting scent and she felt safe for the first time in over a week.

"I missed you while you were gone, Eve. It was so lonely." Eve's hands started to rub up and down Villanelle's back, both women knowing how much they'd missed each other.

"I know, Angel. I'm sorry. You can come with me next time. How was work?" Villanelle shook her head and tightened her grip on Eve's shirt, signalling that she wasn't ready to talk yet. She just wanted to be close to Eve, and Eve was happy to let her. After all, she'd missed Villanelle just as much.

She missed the way Villanelle's fingers drew patterns over her skin and she missed the blonde's arms around her waist as she cooked a meal for them both because Villanelle was incompetent in the kitchen. She'd never been taught how to cook and Eve thought it was a miracle how she'd survived this long on just takeaway food, especially in multiple countries.

Villanelle let out a soft sigh and pulled back from Eve's embrace. She traced her finger over Eve's cheeks and nose, and then around her lips. She leaned down, connecting their lips for a moment and Eve reciprocated the kiss, falling into the rhythm Villanelle had set. She smiled at the feeling of the other woman's lips on her own and she realised how happy she was to be home.

Villanelle was the first to pull back from the kiss, a slightly dazed look on her face after going so long without physical contact from her girlfriend.

"Are you hungry, Eve? I could order a pizza." Villanelle's voice was soft in Eve's ear, a complete contrast to how she usually spoke to other people. There was care in her voice, consideration for her feelings and Eve knew she had picked the right woman.

"Pizza sounds lovely. TV and cuddles on the couch while we eat?" Villanelle nodded and climbed off of Eve's lap to call the pizza place, and then she changed into her pyjamas and grabbed a few blankets for them to cuddle under.

Eve did the same, her suit being swapped out for more comfortable clothes, and then she flopped onto the couch. Villanelle's head rested in her lap so she could run her fingers through it.

Villanelle flicked through the TV channels to find there wasn't anything good on TV, so she loaded their shared Netflix account and they decided on something to watch. Deciding on something lighthearted and easy to watch, Mamma Mia started to play.

They got through the first two songs, just reaching the end of Money, Money, Money when the doorbell rang to let them know their pizza had arrived. Villanelle got up and opened the door to the delivery driver, a rare smile on her face as she thanked him.

When she came back, there was a bottle of wine on the coffee table, thanks to Eve. She placed the pizza box down and poured them both a glass. She handed Eve hers and then pulled the pizza box onto her lap and curled into Eve's side.

She pulled herself a piece first to make it easier for Eve. Soon enough they settled into a comfortable rhythm of eating while cuddling and Villanelle hummed along to most of the songs, which surprised Eve. She couldn't really picture the blonde ever watching this movie before and that thought was a lot more amusing than it should have been.

They finished the pizza and moved positions again, Villanelle's head on Eve's thighs and her hands against her chest. Eve knew this was her comfort position, what she resorted to when she was going to talk about something. She started to braid Villanelle's hair, pulling them out and restarting.

"I had a bad week at work. It was tough coming home to an empty apartment knowing what I'd done. You're usually here to talk to afterwards. I had so many thoughts. It was hard to sleep. I'm just happy you're home," Villanelle said and started to sing along to the next song.

"Villanelle, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be home a lot more." Eve cupped Villanelle's cheek with her hand and tilted the other woman's head back to look at her.

"Thank you," Villanelle said softly, and then dropped her head back against Eve's thighs. "I love this song." She gasped and started singing along to Chiquitita, getting the harmonies spot on.

Eve decided to take the melody and join in. After all, it was just some fun with her girlfriend. It made Villanelle smile. Once the song finished, Villanelle turned around, the back of her head on Eve's thighs so that she could look up at her girlfriend.

"You can sing? I didn't know that!" The joy on Villanelle's face made Eve smile too.

"Yeah, I can Baby. So can you." A blush spread across Villanelle's cheeks and she turned away from Eve. "Hey Villanelle, I love you," Eve said as she brushed her fingers through Villanelle's hair.

"I love you too, Eve. I'm happy you're home."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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