Chapter Nine: Telling my mum everything- Rose

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Rose's Pov: So, I was at home feeling sick, 24/7 and my mum knew something was wrong with me, so she got mad at me, for it and I just packed most of my stuff, and I got Coco, to take me to Gavin's house. Few minutes later my mum comes into my room, and I was scared and feeling sick bad. '' You can't be here if you are sick, said my mum, Jeannie. '' What why mum, I asked. '' Because you can't just go, said my mum, Jeannie. '' Where would I go, Mum I asked. '' That's for you to work out, said Jeannie. '' Mum I need to tell you something, I said. '' What's that, asked my mum. '' I'm Pregnant with Gavin's baby, I said. '' GET OUT, and don't come back, said my mum mad. I was crying when my mum, kicked me out so I had all my stuff packed and now I was thinking where to go with my stuff, so I walked out of the house with all my stuff, and my sister Coco helped me with everything and put in all in her car. ''I'm sorry sis, I didn't know mum was going to do this, said Coco. '' where would I go now, I asked. '' Call Gavin, said Coco. '' Okay I said. So, I decided to call Gavin, hoping he will pick up the phone because I need him right now, he's the only one want I want to be with right now. * The phone call to Gavin*

'' Hello baby is everything okay, asked Gavin. '' Hey Baby and no, I just told my mum I'm pregnant with you and she kicked me out, and I'm with my sister Coco crying in her car, I said. '' Babe come and live with me, said Gavin. '' Okay Baby, I love you I said. '' I love you too, and I will give you a hug when you get here, said Gavin. '' Okay baby, I need one any way, I say. '' Okay my princess, said Gavin. '' See you soon, baby I said back to him. '' see you baby girl, he said back. Later I ended the phone call to Gavin, and Coco took me to Gavin's house few minutes we got to his house, and Coco helped me take my stuff into his room, while Gavin gave me a hug. '' Hey baby, I'm sorry about what your mum did, said Gavin. '' Thanks Baby, it hurts me I thought she would be there for me, not do this to me I said. '' I know babe, said Gavin. '' Can we watch a movie together babe, I asked. '' Of course, babe, said Gavin. So, Gavin and I go inside, and Coco hugs me goodbye, I'm still lucky to have her as my sister, and I'm lucky to have Gavin and his mum to support me. '' Bye sis, love you Rose, Said Coco. '' Bye Sis Love you too, I said. I hug her goodbye, and she left to go back home. Later Gavin's mum comes in and she saw me in tears, hugging Gavin tightly. '' Is everything okay sweetie, asked Theresa. '' No, I said. '' What happened, sweetie asked Theresa. '' My mum Jeannie kicked me out, when I told her that I was pregnant with Gavin's baby, and it hurts me a lot I thought she was going to be there for me with all this I said in tears. '' Aw I'm sorry to hear that, you can stay here if you want too, said Theresa. '' Thanks, I said. '' Mum I will look after her, said Gavin. '' Okay Gavin, said Theresa. '' Can we go to my and your room now baby, I asked. '' Yes babe, said Gavin. '' I love you I said.'' I love you too, said Gavin. So, Gavin and I went upstairs, but all I wanted to do was go to sleep in Gavin's arms because I was really tired all the time, I Just want all this to be over. '' Baby I said.'' Yes baby, Said Gavin. '' I want all this to be over, I want the baby to be here already I said. '' I know I want to meet him or her, babe said Gavin. " I feel tired babe, I said. '' Fall asleep on me baby girl, said Gavin. '' Okay baby love you, I said. '' Love you too, said Gavin. Few minutes, later I fell asleep in Gavin's arms, while he was cuddling up to me. He's the best boyfriend and father, forever.

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