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Start from the beginning

Sirius shifted in his seat. Don't say anything, he told himself. He rarely told himself that, but the echo of Euphemia Potters words circled his head, "Sirius dear, the more you stay out of trouble, the faster these holidays go."

"It's quite embarrassing when you overhear blood traitors sympathise with the beasts," his aunt laughed cruelly, "might as well study muggles and hop on the subway!"

The table erupted in laughter. Sirius looked up, making eye contact with his brother. Regulus spoke with his eyes, pleading his brother not to speak and just laugh fakely. Regulus knew of Remus's condition, he wasn't a moron. Regulus didn't speak his opinions often, he was more of an observer than a talker but he did respect some of his older brothers friends. He despised Potter and Pettigrew, but he regarded Jocelyn, Remus and Frank. So when it came to Remus's dark secret, he kept quiet. Not that anyone would ask him anyway.

"So, Walburga, have you talked to the council about your boys?" His aunt changed the subject. Sirius's head slowly perked up in confusion. What the fuck is the council?

He looked at his brother again but this time, Regulus's head stayed down. "I haven't yet, Roberta, no. But I am certain, Regulus won't let us down." His mother's skeleton-like skull stayed high in supremacy. The blatant favouritism oozed from her words and dripped from her sly, thin-lined smile.

"And Sirius?" "He'll... need some further training." The two ladies talked as if the two Black hairs weren't two seats down. "Well, you mustn't hesitate, the council is getting incredibly impatient and you wouldn't want the Dark Lord to get involved."

"I suppose you're right, thank you."

Sirius's head spun. They were gonna force them to fight in the war, the wrong side, of the war.

The party had ended- thank merlin -and the family was now sitting silently in the foyer. The only light was dim and blue. It came from the fireplace that Kreacher, oh-so obediently, lit for his masters.

His father stood stoically behind his mother, who was sitting intimidatingly in her throne-like armchair. "Boys, as we have discussed previously, you will be joining the Dark Lord's ranks. We are expecting you to represent the Noble and Ancient House of Black with the utmost decency and decorum, are we understood?"

Regulus nodded frozenly, whilst Sirius's eyes were cemented to the floor, "Good. Now we have been lenient with you two for too long,"

A dangerous scoff escaped the eldest Black heir. "Something to say?" Orion seethed, trudging towards his son. Orion towered over Sirius lividly, he was a tall and impatient bloke but his son was catching up to him in height and was beating him in impulsiveness.

"Lenient? Really? We must have different definitions."

"Do watch your mouth, boy! BEFORE I SEW IT CLOSED!"

"BUT HOW ON EARTH WILL I TALK TO THE DARK LORD IF MY LARGEMOUTH IS CLOSED?" Sirius matched his father's volume. "Eh? Father?" He spoke with his jaw clenched and spitting through his perfect pearly whites.

The tension built before a large smack echoed throughout the darkroom. Regulus flinched from his seat, while Walburga simply smiled.

"You better show some respect, boy." Orion grabbed Sirius by the collar, throwing him onto the nearest wall.

He landed on his arse, back arched against the wall and head flat as he looked up through his eyelashes towards his parent. A large yellow gash throbbed on his cheekbone as his long hair landed in front of his eyes.

Walburga stood up, next to her husband. "Regulus, get me the scissors." With a flick of her wand, the imperious curse made the boy stand, his back facing his caretakers. His lips quivered, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

Joyce, My Love ~ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now